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Home > Industry Analysis > Research & Analysis > Working Paper Series > Working Paper 2003 - 07

Table 1. Summary Statistics in Level (as a percentage unless indicated otherwise)
Variable Name
Full Set of Data
In 1989
In 2000
Obs Mean (Std. Dev.) Obs Mean (Std. Dev.) Obs Mean (Std. Dev.)
Uninsured deposit 1/ 20630 94,747
830 153,909
Total deposits 1/ 20630 478,418
1846 409,267
830 809,934
Dependent Variable  
UninsDep 20630 14.91
1846 13.75
830 19.16
Price Factors  
UninsIntMarg 20030 1.59
1761 2.21
826 1.74
JumboIntMarg 20030 -0.01
1761 -0.04
826 0.03
DepIntMarg 20601 -0.33
1843 -0.44
829 -0.19
Bank Specific Variables  
Assets 1/ 20630 725,633
1846 666,980
830 1,088,684
Size 20630 12.49
1846 12.44
830 12.69
AssetGrowth 18768 8.64
1839 6.34
830 7.59
Equity 20630 9.02
1846 8.20
830 10.46
RoA 20630 1.11
1846 1.08
830 1.30
Loans 20630 59.26
1846 60.81
830 62.67
ResidLoans 20621 34.70
1845 31.17
829 40.28
NonCLoans 20375 1.70
1763 1.87
829 0.76
Macroeconomic Variables  
GDP 20630 3.03
1846 3.55
830 5.09
Infl 20630 2.70
1846 3.96
830 2.23
Treas1 20630 6.11
1846 8.44
830 6.17

1/ In thousands of 1996 U.S. dollars.

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