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6000 - Bank Holding Company Act


  SEC. 9.  Any party aggrieved by an order of the Board under this Act may obtain a review of such order in the United States Court of Appeals within any circuit wherein such party has its principal place of business, or in the Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia, by filing in the court, within thirty days after the entry of the Board's order, a petition praying that the order of the Board be set aside. A copy of such petition shall be forthwith transmitted to the Board by the clerk of the court, and thereupon the Board shall file in the court the record made before the Board, as provided in section 2112 of title 28, United States Code. Upon the filing of such petition the court shall have jurisdiction to affirm, set aside, or modify the order of the Board and to require the Board to take such
{{12-30-99 p.6049}}action with regard to the matter under review as the court deems proper. The findings of the Board as to the facts, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive.

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1848]

[Source:  Section 9 of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511; 70 Stat. 138), effective May 9, 1956, as amended by section 34 of the Act of August 28, 1958 (Pub. L. No. 85--791; 72 Stat. 951), effective August 28, 1958; and section 10 of the Act of July 1, 1966 (Pub. L. No. 89--485; 80 Stat. 240), effective July 1, 1966]


  (a)  LIMITATION ON DIRECT ACTION.--The Board may not prescribe regulations, issue or seek entry of orders, impose restraints, restrictions, guidelines, requirements, safeguards, or standards, or otherwise take any action under or pursuant to any provision of this Act or section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act against or with respect to a functionally regulated subsidiary of a bank holding company unless--
    (1)  the action is necessary to prevent or redress an unsafe or unsound practice or breach of fiduciary duty by such subsidiary that poses a material risk to--
      (A)  the financial safety, soundness, or stability of an affiliated depository institution; or
      (B)  the domestic or international payment system; and
    (2)  the Board finds that it is not reasonably possible to protect effectively against the material risk at issue through action directed at or against the affiliated depository institution or against depository institutions generally.
  (b)  LIMITATION ON INDIRECT ACTION.--The Board may not prescribe regulations, issue or seek entry of orders, impose restraints, restrictions, guidelines, requirements, safeguards, or standards, or otherwise take any action under or pursuant to any provision of this Act or section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act against or with respect to a bank holding company that requires the bank holding company to require a functionally regulated subsidiary of the holding company to engage, or to refrain from engaging, in any conduct or activities unless the Board could take such action directly against or with respect to the functionally regulated subsidiary in accordance with subsection (a).
  (c)  ACTIONS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED.--Notwithstanding subsection (a) or (b), the board may take action under this Act or section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act to enforce compliance by a functionally regulated subsidiary of a bank holding company with any Federal law that the Board has specific jurisdiction to enforce against such subsidiary.
  (d)  FUNCTIONALLY REGULATED SUBSIDIARY DEFINED.--For purposes of this section, the term functionally regulated subsidiary' has the meaning given the term in section 5(c)(5).

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1848a]

[Source: Section 10A of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511; 70 Stat. 138), effective May 9, 1956, as added by section 113 of title I of the Act of November 12, 1999 (Pub. L. No. 106--102) 113 Stat; 1369), effective March 12, 2000]


  SEC. 11  (a)  Nothing herein contained shall be interpreted or construed as approving any act, action, or conduct which is or has been or may be in violation of existing law, nor shall anything herein contained constitute a defense to any action, suit, or proceeding pending or hereafter instituted on account of any prohibited antitrust or monopolistic act, action, or conduct, except as specifically provided in this section.

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1849(a)]

[Source:  Section 11(a) of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511; 70 Stat. 146), effective May 9, 1956, as amended by section 11 of the Act of July 1, 1966 (Pub. L. No. 89-485; 80 Stat. 240), effective July 1, 1966]

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    (1)   IN GENERAL.--The Board shall immediately notify the Attorney General of any approval by it pursuant to section 3 of a proposed acquisition, merger, or consolidation transaction and, if the transaction also involves an acquisition under section 4, the Board shall also notify the Federal Trade Commission of such approval. If the Board has found that it must act immediately in order to prevent the probable failure of a bank or bank holding company involved in any such transaction, the transaction may be consummated immediately upon approval by the Board. If the Board has advised the Comptroller of the Currency or the State supervisory authority, as the case may be, of the existence of an emergency requiring expeditious action and has required the submission of views and recommendations within ten days, the transaction may not be consummated before the fifth calendar day after the date of approval by the Board. In all other cases, the transaction may not be consummated before the thirtieth calendar day after the date of approval by the Board or, if the Board has not received any adverse comment from the Attorney General of the United States relating to competitive factors, such shorter period of time as may be prescribed by the Board with the concurrence of the Attorney General, but in no event less than 15 calendar days after the date of approval. Any action brought under the antitrust laws arising out of an acquisition, merger, or consolidation transaction approved under section 3 shall be commenced prior to the earliest time under this subsection at which the transaction approval under section 3 might be consummated. The commencement of such an action shall stay the effectiveness of the Board's approval unless the court shall otherwise specifically order. In any such action, the court shall review de novo the issues presented. In any judicial proceeding attacking any acquisition, merger, or consolidation transaction approved pursuant to section 3 on the ground that such transaction alone and of itself constituted a violation of any antitrust laws other than section 2 of the Act of July 2, 1890 (section 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. 2), the standards applied by the court shall be identical with those that the Board is directed to apply under section 3 of this Act. Upon the consummation of an acquisition, merger, or consolidation transaction approved under section 3 in compliance with this Act and after the termination of any antitrust litigation commenced within the period prescribed in this section, or upon the termination of such period if no such litigation is commenced therein, the transaction may not thereafter be attacked in any judicial proceeding on the ground that it alone and of itself constituted a violation of any antitrust laws other than section 2 of the Act of July 2, 1890 (section 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. 2), but nothing in this Act shall exempt any bank holding company involved in such a transaction from complying with the antitrust laws after the consummation of such transaction.
    (2)   SECTION 13(f) CASES.--(A)  If--
        (i)  the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation learns that a bank insured by such Corporation is in danger of closing; and
        (ii)  the Corporation is considering assisting the acquisition of such bank and its affiliated banks by another bank or holding company under section 13(f) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and such acquisition is subject to the approval of the Board under section 3 of this Act,

  the Corporation shall immediately notify the Board of such facts.
      (B)  Upon receipt of notice from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under subparagraph (A) or at such earlier time as deemed appropriate by the Board, the Board shall immediately notify the Attorney General of the United States of the facts concerning the possible acquisition.
      (C)  Within 5 days of receiving notice under subparagraph (B), the Attorney General shall notify the Board in writing of the Attorney General's preliminary finding as to the consistency of the possible acquisition with the antitrust laws.
      (D)  The Board may reduce or eliminate the post-approval waiting period established under paragraph (1) for an acquisition to which this paragraph applies, except that such period may not be eliminated or reduced to less than 5 days without the concurrence of the Attorney General.
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[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1849(b)]

[Source:  Section 11(b) of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511), as added by section 11 of the Act of July 1, 1966 (Pub. L. No. 89--485; 80 Stat. 240), effective July 1, 1966 and as amended by sections 104(a)(1), 104(a)(2), and 104(a)(3) of title I of the Act of December 31, 1970 (Pub. L. No. 91--607; 84 Stat. 1766), effective December 31, 1970; section 303 of title III of the Act of November 16, 1977 (Pub. L. No. 95--188; 91 Stat. 1390), effective November 16, 1977; section 502(h)(3) of title V of the Act of August 10, 1987 (Pub. L. No. 100--86; 101 Stat. 628), effective August 10, 1987; section 321(a) of title III of the Act of September 23, 1994 (Pub. L. No. 103--325; 108 Stat. 2226), effective September 23, 1994; section 131 of title I of the Act of November 2, 1999 (Pub. L. No. 106--102; 113 Stat. 1382), effective March 12, 2000]

  (c)  In any action brought under the antitrust laws arising out of any acquisition, merger, or consolidation transaction approved by the Board under section 3 of this Act, the Board and any State banking supervisory agency having jurisdiction within the State involved, may appear as a party of its own motion and as of right, and be represented by its counsel.

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1849(c)]

[Source:  Section 11(c) of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511), as added by section 11 of the Act of July 1, 1966 (Pub. L. No. 89--485; 80 Stat. 240), effective July 1, 1966 and as amended by section 104(b) of title I of the Act of December 31, 1970 (Pub. L. No. 91--607; 84 Stat. 1766), effective December 31, 1970]

  (d)  Any acquisition, merger, or consolidation of the kind described in section 3(a) of this Act which was consummated at any time prior or subsequent to May 9, 1956, and as to which no litigation was initiated by the Attorney General prior to the date of enactment of this amendment, shall be conclusively presumed not to have been in violation of any antitrust laws other than section 2 of the Act of July 2, 1890 (section 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. 2).

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1849(d)]

[Source:  Section 11(d) of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511), as added by section 11 of the Act of July 1, 1966 (Pub. L. No. 89--485; 80 Stat. 240), effective July 1, 1966]

  (e)  Any court having pending before it on or after the date of enactment of this amendment any litigation initiated under the antitrust laws by the Attorney General with respect to any acquisition, merger, or consolidation of the kind described in section 3(a) of this Act shall apply the substantive rule of law set forth in section 3 of this Act.

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1849(e)]

[Source:  Section 11(e) of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511), as added by section 11 of the Act of July 1, 1966 (Pub. L. No. 89--485; 80 Stat. 241), effective July 1, 1966]

  (f)  For the purposes of this section, the term "antitrust laws" means the Act of July 2, 1890 (the Sherman Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. 1-7), the Act of October 15, 1914 (the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 12-27), and any other Acts in pari materia.

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1849(f)]

[Source:  Section 11(f) of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511), as added by section 11 of the Act of July 1, 1966 (Pub. L. No. 89--485; 80 Stat. 241), effective July 1, 1966]


  SEC. 12.  If any provision of this Act, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby.

[Codified to 12 U.S.C. 1841 note]

[Source:  Section 12 of the Act of May 9, 1956 (Pub. L. No. 511; 70 Stat. 146), effective May 9, 1956]

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  Competitors as parties in interest and persons aggrieved.  Section 105 of title I of the Act of December 31, 1970 (Pub. L. No. 91--607; 84 Stat. 1766), effective December 31, 1970, provides as follows:

  SEC. 105.  With respect to any proceeding before the Federal Reserve Board wherein an applicant seeks authority to acquire a subsidiary which is a bank under section 3 of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, to engage directly or indirectly in a nonbanking activity pursuant to section 4 of such Act, or to engage in an activity otherwise prohibited under section 106 of this Act, a party who would become a competitor of the applicant or subsidiary thereof by virtue of the applicant's or its subsidiary's acquisition, entry into the business involved, or activity, shall have the right to be a party in interest in the proceeding and, in the event of an adverse order of the Board, shall have the right as an aggrieved party to obtain judicial review thereof as provided in section 9 of such Act of 1956 or as otherwise provided by law.

[The page following this is 6061.]

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