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Financial Information

Where AQMD Gets its Funding

The AQMD's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget is $132.1 million. A significant part of AQMD's revenue comes from fees businesses must pay if they release large amounts of pollution. Thus, the biggest polluters pay the most toward funding the air pollution control effort. Also, businesses must pay annual fees for their permits.

But motor vehicles account for more than 2/3 of this region's pollution problem. So, beginning in 1991, a surcharge was added to this area's vehicle registration fees to help fund air pollution control efforts. This surcharge consists of a $4 per vehicle state fee and an additional $1 per vehicle District-wide fee. The $1 fee and 30% of the $4 fee from vehicles registered in our four counties goes to the AQMD to be used for Mobile source programs such as those promoting ridesharing and developing clean fuels. Forty percent of the $4 fee goes directly to cities for air quality improvements involving mobile sources. The remainder is distributed through an independent panel as grants for programs intended to reduce vehicle emissions.  (Return to Top)

Budgets and Audited Financial Reports

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Billing Questions
Billing Services toll-free inside California (866) 888-8838
or call: (909) 396-2900

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Finance / Investment

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Procurement phone number: 909-396-3520

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