
"Take Time to Care": Providing Essential Risk /Benefit Information to Women through FDA Office of Women's Health Outreach

K. A. Thomas, S. Perry, FDA OWH, Rockville, MD

Background: OWH launched the "Take Time to Care" (TTTC) program in 1998 to provide women with FDA product information.There have been 3 program phases. Phase I: "Use Medicines Wisely" focused on safe medication use. Phase II focused on diabetes. Phase III expanded TTTC to provide information on myriad FDA topics. This poster will delineate some program outcomes which have established TTTC as an award-winning model program.

Methods: The following data were assessed: satisfaction/ program surveys by Merck-Medco and NACDS; FDA and partner-sponsored printing data; and program use reports from FDA Centers, Offices and stakeholders.

Results: Approximately 26 million consumers were reached with TTTC materials. Phase I - Distributed over 6 million medicine record-keepers with 80 groups at seven times FDA's investment. Merck-Medco surveyed 50,000 customers and found a 98.6% satisfaction rate for TTTC.  Phase II - NACDS sponsored TTTC events in 22,000 drug stores and worked with ADA to identify consumers for physician referrals.  Phase III - TTTC publications were distributed through unique venues such as casinos, CMS, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, IRS mailings, and Dear Abby.   Across all phases, OWH developed 40 TTTC fact sheets, brochures, and guides. Partners reprinted, distributed, and translated TTTC materials at their own expense for consumers. National organizations also provided expert consumer training on drug safety, use of medical devices, and nutrition at urban, rural and reservation sites.

Conclusion: Through creative partnerships, TTTC has provided a cost effective way to reach millions of women with easy-to-read materials on the risks and benefits of FDA regulated products

2006 FDA Science Forum | FDA Chapter, Sigma Xi | CFSAN | FDA
Last updated on 2006-MAR-27 by frf