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FDIC Banking Review

Table 8 - Perceived Competitors of Community Banks, by Community Bank Size, 2004
(Percentage of Respondents)
Competition <$100 Million
in Assets
$100–500 Million
in Assets
$500+ Million
in Assets
Brokerage firms 30 35 41
Other community banks 74 79 77
Credit unions 64 65 63
Farm credit banks 35 19 13
Finance companies 12 5 6
Mortgage companies 38 45 33
Insurance companies 22 22 16
Mutual fund companies 18 27 23
Regional or megabanks 34 46 63
GSEs 10 10 13
Nonfinancial companies 39 33 14
Industrial banks 5 7 9
Note: Percentages do not add to 100 percent because most institutions identified several competitors. The date in the table's title refers to the survey's publication date. The survey's definitions of community bank and the size groups may differ from that used in this article. See the survey for the definitions used.
Source: Unpublished data from Grant Thornton, Eleventh Annual Survey of Community Bank Executives (2004).

Last Updated 02/11/2005 Questions, Suggestions & Requests

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