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Technology Committee Meeting

Notice of Special Meeting

The public may participate at any location listed below.

July 27, 2007 - 12:00 p.m.

AQMD Headquarters - Conference Room CC-8
21865 Copley Dr., Diamond Bar CA

Videoteleconference Location

73-710 Fred Waring Drive
Suite 222
Palm Desert, CA 92260


1 Approve Update to Advanced Air Pollution Research Plan
In November 2003, the Board approved an Advanced Air Pollution Research Plan Update for FYs 2003 to 2006 as part of the Strategic Alliance Initiative No. 5 – Strategic Alliance for Advanced Air Pollution Research.  The initiative calls for updates to the three-year Plan to reflect progress in conducting proposed research activities, available resources, additional research projects, and revisions to the schedule for future research studies.  Staff has prepared an update to the plan for FYs 2007 to 2010.  This research plan update contains research study proposals that would be initiated in-house or through extramural contracts over the next three years.  Upon Board approval, staff will proceed with the implementation of the research plan.
This item is also being heard at the July 27, 2007 Mobile and Stationary Source Committees.
Philip Fine, Manager
Atmospheric Measurements
2 Execute Contract to Demonstrate NOx and PM Emissions Control on Construction Equipment
Diesel-powered construction equipment contributes approximately 120 and 7.5 tons per day of the total Basin NOx and PM emissions in 2006.  Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology has been shown to reduce NOx emissions from stationary sources and on-road vehicles, and because it works as an oxidation catalyst, it is also capable of reducing PM, hydrocarbon, and toxics contaminants.  This action is to request award of a contract to Engine, Fuel, and Emissions Engineering, Inc. to design, install, quantify emissions of, and demonstrate SCR technology on at least two heavy-duty construction equipment engines at a cost not to exceed $135,830 from the Clean Fuels Fund.  The total cost of the proposed project is $330,850 and Engine, Fuel, and Emissions Engineering, Inc. and the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County will provide $195,020 in in-kind contributions.
Adewale Oshinuga
Air Quality Specialist
3 Execute Agreement to Cosponsor City of Los Angeles Initiative to Plant One Million Low-VOC Trees
The Center for Urban Forest Research (CUFR) reported in a recent study that an average of 100 trees can remove 14 tons per year of carbon dioxide, 428 pounds per year (lb/yr) of ozone and 313 lb/yr of particulate matter from the atmosphere.  Encouraged with these results, CUFT is joining efforts with cities and local communities in California to apply, on a broader scale, the lesson learned from this study.  In support of this effort, the City of Los Angeles has initiated a program to plant one million low-VOC emitting trees within the City jurisdiction.  This action is to execute an agreement with the City of Los Angeles to cofund this initiative at a cost not to exceed $1,000,000 from the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) Settlement Projects Fund.  The monies are from LADWP Settlement Funds which had been previously transferred to the Clean Fuels Fund..

Adewale Oshinuga

4 Transfer and Appropriate Funds and Execute Contract to Develop and Demonstrate Diesel Particulate Filter on Pacific Harbor Line Switch Locomotive
In September 2006, the Board approved execution of a contract with Miratech Corporation to develop and demonstrate a Diesel Particulate Filter on a Pacific Harbor Line switch locomotive.  That action also recognized the receipt of revenues from U.S. EPA and Caltrans.  A contract with Miratech was unable to be executed in FY 2006-07 due to a number of delays including receipt of the U.S. EPA and Caltrans grant awards and a final agreement for critical subcontractor participation in the project.  This action is to transfer $107,125 from Rule 1309.1 Priority Reserve Fund, recognize $100,000 revenue from U.S. EPA and $380,000 from Caltrans, appropriate funds from Undesignated Fund Balance and execute a contract with Miratech Corporation in an amount not to exceed $307,125.

Mike Bogdanoff
Program Supervisor

5 Execute Contracts for Renewable Energy Projects in Communities Surrounding Electrical Generating Facilities
In September 2006, the Board directed staff to use one-third of the mitigation fees collected pursuant to Rule 1309.1(g) to fund renewable energy projects, including solar power, in communities located as close as possible to the new or modified power plant projects. On February 2, 2007, the Board approved the release of a RFP for solar and other renewable energy projects in communities surrounding ten electrical generating facilities.  The RFO was issued in an amount up to $5,262,484, which included one-third of the current balance of mitigation funds in the Rule 1309.1 Priority Reserve.  The RFP closed on April 27, 2007.  The program was oversubscribed with over three hundred individual projects submitted, most of which consisted of solar photovoltaic residential projects.  This action is to execute contracts for renewable energy projects in amount not to exceed $5,262,484 using Rule 1309.1 mitigation funds.

Vicki White
Air Quality Specialist

6 Execute Contract to Cosponsor Demonstration of Advanced Fuel Cell Bus
The AQMD has long supported fuel cell transit bus projects in order to accelerate their development and expose the widest possible ridership to this clean, zero-tailpipe emission technology. Sunline Transit Agency and their partners were recently awarded a grant from the Federal Transit Administration, as part of the National Fuel Cell Bus Program, to design, develop, and demonstrate an advanced technology American Fuel Cell Bus.  This action is to award a contract to Sunline Transit Agency to conduct this project in an amount not to exceed $400,000 from the Clean Fuels Fund.  The remainder of the $5.4 million project costs will be funded by the other project partners: FTA/CalStart, CARB, ISE, New Flyer, Sunline, and UTC.
Matt Miyasato, Manager
Technology Demonstration Projects
7 Execute Contract to Cosponsor Demonstration of Heavy-Duty Hybrid Vehicle
As part of the Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Action Plan adopted by the Board in April 2007, staff was directed to evaluate pathways to PHEVs.  One pathway is to replace existing diesel applications with hybridized gasoline engines and further investigate duty-cycles appropriate for the plug-in technology. This action is to award a contract to WestStart-CALSTART and its partners to develop and demonstrate a heavy-duty gasoline hybrid for use in the FedEx fleet and evaluate heavy-duty applications for plug-in technology in an amount not to exceed $325,000 from the Clean Fuels Fund.  The remainder of the $595,000 total project costs will be supported by FedEx and NREL.

Matt Miyasato

8 Transfer Funds from Carl Moyer Program Fund AB923 Account to FY 2007-08 Budget of Science & Technology Advancement
To support AQMD’s outreach and administrative activities directly related to the Carl Moyer Program, it’s necessary to transfer funds from the administrative portion of the Carl Moyer Program Fund AB923 Account to the General Fund.  This action is to transfer $300,000 from the Carl Moyer Program Fund AB923 Account to the FY 2007-08 Budget of Science & Technology Advancement, Services and Supplies Major Object, Professional and Special Services Account to support Carl Moyer Program’s outreach and administrative activities.

Fred Minassian, Manager
Technology Implementation

9 California Fuel Cell Partnership Steering Team Report and Activity Report
On April 6, 2007, the Board approved the proposal to renew membership in the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) for 2007.  This report summarizes the California Fuel Cell Partnership Steering Team meeting held June 19-20, 2007 and provides an activity report for the period beginning January 2007.

Lisa Mirisola
Air Quality Specialist

Attachments will be available at the meeting.

Next Meeting:  September 28, 2007 - 12:00 p.m.

Other Business
Any member of the Technology Committee, or its staff, on his or her own initiative or in response to questions posed by the public, may ask a question for clarification, may make a brief announcement or report on his or her own activities, provide a reference to staff regarding factual information, request staff to report back at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or may take action to direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.   (Govt Code Section 54954.2)

Public Comment Period
Members of the public may address the Technology Committee concerning any agenda item before or during consideration of that item (Govt. Code Section 54954.3(a)). All agendas for regular meetings are posted at District Headquarters, 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, California, at least 72 hours in advance of a regular meeting. At the end of the regular meeting agenda, an opportunity is also provided for the public to speak on any subject within the Technology Committee's authority. Speakers may be limited to three (3) minutes each.

Americans with Disabilities Act
The agenda and documents in the agenda packet will be made available, upon request, in appropriate alternative formats to assist persons with a disability (Gov’t Code Section 54954.2(a)). Disability-related accommodations will also be made available to allow participation in the Technology Committee meeting. Any accommodations must be requested as soon as practicable. Requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. Please contact Dory Kilgour at 909-396-3248 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, or send the request to

For further information, please contact:  Dory Kilgour, (909) 396-3248


This page updated: January 15, 2008