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Compliance Assistance Class:
Mandatory Rule 1469 Hexavalent Chromium Training


The May 2003 amendment of Rule 1469 requires personnel from all chrome plating and chromic acid anodizing facilities to complete mandatory training and certification every two years. This training is required for personnel responsible for environmental compliance, maintaining plating bath chemistries, and testing and recording plating bath surface tension. Refresher training and recertification is required every two years following initial training and certification.

AQMD, working closely with the Metal Finishing Association of Southern California, has developed an outline and training materials for the course. To provide flexibility to participants, identical training sessions are scheduled on the  various dates specified below. You are required to attend only one of these sessions. 


  • Pre-registration is required for this training; no walk-in registrations.
  • Class fee is $35 per person or $70 per company (up to 3 people and $25 for each additional person if sending four or more people), paid in advance to SCAQMD.
  • Please submit a completed registration form (English) for each attendee with a check or money order made out to SCAQMD. Classes will be filled in the order in which the completed registrations are received. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Oswald by telephone at (909) 396-2658 or by e-mail at

Class Information:

Next Available Classes:

  • June 11, 2009

Registration is confirmed only upon receipt of a completed registration form and class fee which must be mailed prior to the date of the selected class.