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Governing Board Member
Governor's Appointee

Dr. Joseph K. Lyou, serves as the Executive Director of the California Environmental Rights Alliance, a public interest organization dedicated to achieving environmental justice and improving community health.  The California Environmental Rights Alliance engages in a variety of policymaking processes and provides technical assistance to community-based organizations.  Since 1990, Dr. Lyou has assisted community groups and concerned individuals with many environmental protection issues, including air and water pollution, site remediation and corrective action, radioactive waste, toxic materials, and environmental justice.  He is the Co-Chair of the California Environmental Protection Agency's Advisory Committee on Environmental Justice and serves on several other state and regional regulatory agency advisory and stakeholder groups.  Dr. Lyou specializes in issues related to research methods, statistics, open-government laws, and environmental policy.  Dr. Lyou was appointed to the Board by Governor Schwarzenegger on June 28, 2007.