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Public Inquiry System for Emission Inventory Data

Criteria and toxic emissions are collected annually through AQMD’s Annual Emission Reporting Program.  The data collected since fiscal year (FY) 2000-2001 are available for public access.  The emissions data are based on fiscal year so year 2000 represents the emissions for the period July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001.  The toxic emissions are in alphabetical order and the pollutant ID is the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number.

Please be aware that the emissions provided are as reported by the facilities.  Staff review of the data is ongoing.  Below is some guidance for conducting successful searches.  Also, below are some data clarifications.  To access the data click here.  If you have any questions or comments please contact either the AER staff or AB2588 staff.

 Search Guidance

1. Reporting Year   Choose a reporting year from the menu of available years.  The emission data are based on fiscal year so year 2000 represents the emissions for the period July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001.
2. Facility ID   A valid facility ID is no more than seven digits and only consists of numbers.  It must be an exact match; a partial ID will not result in a successful search.  Therefore, “80000366” and “80036A” are not valid.
3. Facility Name   Enter the facility name.  Spelling is important; the first letter of the facility name must be included in the search criteria; and the search utility is not case sensitive.  For example, suppose you are searching for “XYZ Printing Company”.  Successful searches would result by entering “xyz printing” or “xYZ” or even “x”.  The search would not be successful if the user entered “Printing Company” or even “YZ Printing”.
4. Street Name   Just enter the street name; do not include the address number.  Spelling is important; the first letter of the street name must be included in the search criteria; and the search utility is not case sensitive.  For example, suppose you are searching for a facility at 1718 Woodland Place.  Successful searches would result by entering “woodland” or “wood”.  The search would not be successful if the user entered “1718 Woodland Place” or “1718 Woodland”.
5. City   Just enter the city without abbreviation.  Spelling is important; the first letter of the city must be included; and the search utility is not case sensitive.  For example, suppose you are searching for facilities in Los Angeles.  Successful searches would result by entering “los angeles” or “los”.  The search would not be successful if the user entered “LA” or “angeles”.
6. Zip Code   Enter the exact five digit zip code.  For example, suppose you are searching for facilities in zip code 92620.  Successful search would result only by entering “92620”.  The search would not be successful if the user entered “9262” or “926”.

Data Clarifications

  Various Locations in the SCAQMD   In some searches the user may get facilities with "Various Locations in the SCAQMD" in the "Street Name" field and a valid city (e.g., Diamond Bar, Los Angeles, etc.) in the "City" field.  The city given has no special significance; the equipment is in various locations throughout the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

Link to Annual Emission Reporting Program or AB2588 Program