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Home > Deposit Insurance > The Deposit Insurance Funds > FDIC Charts & Graphs

FDIC Charts & Graphs

Complete set of FDIC Power Point slides

Deposit Insurance Reform Roundtable

Pricing (Title Slide)

Premium rates are at historic lows

The Deposit Insurance Fund Act of 1996

Most institutions pay nothing for deposit insurance

Concerns Raised by DIFA

Pricing Discussion Topics

Deposit Growth

Deposit Growth: Disparities among institutions

Risk Differentiation: Characteristics of 1 A-rated banks may differ slightly

Deposit concentrations have shifted

Risk Differentiation: Large institutions are engaged in more diverse activities

Spreads have widened and become more volatile at the largest institutions

Maintaining the Funds (Title Slide)

History of the BIF Fund Balance and Reserve Ratio

Why have insurance funds

Assessments as a Percentage of Bank Net Income

The Designated Reserve Ratio

Annual bank failures have fluctuated significantly

The volatility of deposit growth also affects the reserve ratio

Recent Volatility of the BIF Reserve Ratio

Systemic Risk Exception

Rebate Proposals

Insurance Coverage (Title Slide)

The real value of insured deposit coverage has declined

The 1980 Increase to $100,000

Increasing Coverage to $200,000

International Comparisons: Coverage Ratio to Per Capita GDP in 1999

Last Updated 05/18/2000 insurance@fdic.gov

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