Welcome to the help facility for the FDIC Enforcement Decisions and Orders (ED&O). Please feel free to browse the help information or to select a help topic below.
- Introduction to FDIC Enforcement Decisions and Orders
- from the print version of the ED&O, the Introduction describes the print edition, its content and history.
- Using ED&O
- orients users to the online edition of the ED&O
- Using the Search Form
- provides instructions and tips in the use of the ED&O's structured query
- Using Full Text Search
- guides you in performing basic as well as complex searches for words or phrases anywhere within the ED&O
Using ED&O
Following are basic guidelines for using the online edition of the ED&O.
How the ED&O Is Organized
Reading a Paragraph
Printing a Paragraph
How the ED&O Is Organized
The FDIC Enforcement Decisions and Orders began as a print publication consisting of two hard bound and three ring bound volumes which were physically organized by category (e.g. Adjudicated Decisions, Consent Orders, etc.) and by year. Refer to the Introduction for a description of the print edition of the ED&O, its history and content.
When the ED&O was first published on line, the format of the pages duplicated the print version. The print version has now been discontinued and the ED&O has been streamlined for on-line use. Because orders issued before mid-2006 retain the prior format, the information below will aid users viewing older orders.
The primary organization was by paragraph number (e.g. �78). Paragraph numbers were assigned sequentially as decisions and orders were issued, and therefore, chronologically. Where there are two or more decisions or orders issued on the same date, the one with the lowest docket number appears first. Currently, the ED&O assigns a document number to each order.
PLEASE NOTE: Throughout this product, the word paragraph is used to refer to the complete text relating to a decision or order, not in its common grammatical sense.
Docket Numbers are assigned to each enforcement action as it is initiated by the FDIC. The Docket Number consists of the year the action is initiated, a hyphen followed by a sequence number (each year we start again at "1") and an alpha code representing the type of action. A decision or order may cover one or more Docket Numbers.
Reading a Paragraph
Each paragraph is displayed as it appeared in the printed version of the ED&O. The first line of the paragraph's text lists the paragraph number, the title of the matter and the docket number or numbers. The page number upon which the paragraph begins in the printed version is displayed above this first line of text along with the update date for that page. For example,
{{10-31-95 p.C-4088}}
[�,220] In the Matter of Arthur Murray, Citizens State Bank of Milford, Milford, Ill., Docket No. FDIC-95-99b
Following the title is a concise summary of the matter and headnotes. For those paragraphs that have been terminated or where there are related decisions or orders, you will find an italicized notation citing the date of termination (if appropriate) and paragraph number(s) of the related matters. For example,
(This order was terminated by order of the FDIC dated 7-8-97. See �,175.)
(For further proceedings relating to this case, see [�39])
At each point corresponding to a "page" break in the printed version, the update date and page number are inserted in the text using the same format, {{10-31-95 p.C-4089}}. The update date reflects the date that particular page was updated in the printed publication of the FDIC Enforcement Decisions and Orders.
Headnotes are included in the Adjudicated Decisions, Interlocutory Decisions, and Consent Orders portions of the service. Each decision is preceded by a brief editorial digest of the case followed by relevant headnotes. The bracketed number preceding each headnote (e.g. [.1]), is a hypertext link keyed to the corresponding section in the decision.
Footnotes are indicated with underlined superscript numbers (e.g. 12) and are hypertext links to the corresponding footnote text. Footnotes are separated from the text that precedes them on the "page" by a horizontal line. In this case, the page corresponds to the physical page in the printed version. If the paragraph does not end following the footnote in question, the update date and page number of the next page appears after the footnote and the paragraph continues.
In the example below, the text of the footnote is the bolded text.
" (b) soliciting, procuring, transferring, attempting to transfer, voting, or attempting to vote any proxy, consent or authorization with respect to any voting rights in any financial institution enumerated in sec-
1 Subsection (b)(8), as referenced in section 8(e)(7)(A)(ii), has been redesignated as subsection (b)(9).
{{7-31-96 p.C-4009}}
tion 8(e)(7)(A) of the Act, 12 U.S.C. § 1818(e)(7)(A);
(c) violating any voting agreement previously approved by the appropriate Federal banking agency; or... "
Printing a Paragraph
In the online version of the ED&O, each paragraph is self-contained in a single computer file. Thus, using your browser's Print function will send only the paragraph you are viewing (and no part of any other paragraph) to your printer.
If you would like to print less than a full paragraph, and your browser does not support printing selected text, highlight the text you want to print using your mouse and click Edit and Copy on the browser's menu. Paste that selection into your word processor and print from there. Usually this will produce acceptable, formatted copy.
Using the Search Form
The Search Form enables you to search on any one or combination of more than one of the seven criteria that describe a decision or order.
Please select a help topic from the list below.
Selecting Search Criteria
Action Buttons
Searching with Multiple Criteria
Results Display
Search Tips
Selecting Search Criteria
The values for Category, Action, Year of action and State are fixed. You select a value by clicking your cursor on the field you wish to set, then clicking or scrolling to highlight the value you choose. You also may move between fields using the Tab key and scroll through the value options using the up and down cursor arrows.
The values for Paragraph, Party subject to action and Docket Number are not fixed. You select a value for any one of these by clicking your cursor on the field you wish to set, then typing your input using your keyboard.
When using Party subject to action, less is better than more. Enter the one most unique part of the name and try the search. Even "Smith" displays fewer than 20 results. While you may enter a complete name like "John A. Smith", if there is even one character's difference between your entry and the name stored in the database, your search will not find the record you are seeking.
Descriptions of Search Criteria |
Category |
The five categories of decisions and orders (e.g. Adjudicated Decisions, Consent Orders) |
Action |
There are more than two dozen specific types of enforcement action which FDIC may pursue. Here is a list of all types of action. |
Year of action |
The year in which the order or decision was issued |
State |
The state in which the financial institution in question was headquartered on the effective date of the order or decision |
Paragraph |
The paragraph number (e.g. ¶5001) where the full text of the order or decision is published |
Party subject to action |
Names of individuals or institutions subject to an enforcement action |
Docket Number |
The Docket Number assigned by FDIC to an enforcement action at the time it is initiated; a paragraph may address more than one Docket Number |
Action Buttons
- Click the Search button to display the results of your search criteria.
- Click the Clear button to erase any criteria you have entered.
- Click the Help button to display this page.
When no decision or order matches the search criteria you supplied, the results display shows, "No Records Were Found Matching Your Query...".
Searching with Multiple Criteria
Selecting more than one criterion requires that a decision or order must satisfy all the criteria you selected or input to be displayed. (i.e. Criteria are combined using the logical operator AND.) For example, selecting "Adjudicated Decisions" as the Category and "1995" as the Year of action displays only the 13 decisions in that category from 1995.
Adding a third element, say typing "GREENE" in Party subject to action, further reduces the number of decisions and orders that fulfill your criteria. Only the two decisions where the name of the bank includes "GREENE " in 1995 Adjudicated Decision will be displayed.
If you select or enter criteria which result in no matches being found, the results display says, "No Records Were Found Matching Your Query...". Click your browser's Back button and change one or more criteria to broaden the search.
Results Display
The following information is displayed for each record that matches your criteria.
- Effective date
- Termination date (if appropriate)
- Banking organization
- Individual (if appropriate)
- Enforcement action (or actions)
- Paragraph & Docket Number(s)
The Docket Number is a hypertext link to the full text of the decision or order. See Reading a Paragraph or Printing a Paragraph for help in viewing the text.
Search Tips
Many of the paragraphs have notations like "Further proceedings in FDIC-83-153e appear at [�17]". You can quickly access these related matters by clicking the Search Form button and entering the paragraph number ("5117" in this example) in the Paragraph field before clicking Search.
Some Docket Numbers appear in multiple paragraphs. You may display a listing of all the paragraphs that treat a single Docket Number by using the Search Form to find that Docket Number. Again, less is better than more. Try using just the numeric portion of the number, such as "90-156", to reduce the chances of missing a record you want to find.
Use the Clear button to discard all search criteria and start over. Clicking Clear will ensure you don't have some criteria lurking in your search that you don't want to use.