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Facility INformation Detail

Text Search Instructions


The fields on the left-hand side of FIND's main search page can be used to search broadly for a list of facilities meeting certain criteria (similar names, located on the same street or in the same city or zip code). 

If you are too specific with the criteria entered, FIND may not return any data.  Start your search very broadly, searching on just one field, like zip code or city, then add additional fields to narrow the list of facilities retrieved. 

The facility name, street name and city fields allow the use of "wild cards."  This means that you can enter the initial part of the facility name, street, or city and the search will retrieve a list of all facilities that meet that criteria.  For example, entering  "Lo" in the city field will retrieve a list containing all facilities located in Los Angeles, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, etc. 

In order to maintain acceptable performance levels for everyone, the number of rows you can retrieve is currently limited to 3000.  If your request exceeds this limit you will be asked to refine your search.

The fields on the right-hand side of FIND's main search page can be used to search for a specific facility using a seven-digit AQMD Facility ID, Application Number, Notice of Violation Number or Hearing Board Case Number.  Any of these searches will retrieve detailed information for a single facility.



Search Tips

  1. Number versus name search:  A Facility Name of 3M and Three or a  Street Name of 6th Street and Sixth Street are different search requests and will yield different results.  If you are not sure about your search criteria, you may want a higher level search i.e. city or zip code so you can refine your search from the results retrieved.
  2. Using Wildcards:  The facility name, street name and city fields allow the use of "wild cards".  This means that you can enter in the initial part of the facility name, street, or city and the search will retrieve a list of all facilities that meet that criteria.  For example, entering  "Lo" in the city field will retrieve a list containing all facilities located in Los Angeles, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, etc. 
  3. Search Result Limitations:  In order to maintain acceptable performance levels for everyone, the number of rows you can retrieve is currently limited to 3000.  If your request exceeds this limit you will be asked to refine your search.

This page updated: June 16, 2006