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Clean Air Plans

Clean air plans are the essential blueprints for action by the AQMD. The AQMD is required to update its plans on a regular basis. Updates may take the form of a new plan or an amendment. Plans range in scope from the regional Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) to plans dealing with specific pollutants in specific geographic locales. Included as part of a plan are documents that analyze its impact (i.e., socioeconomic and environmental analyses). The list below shows the categories of plans and documents produced by the AQMD.

Every three years, AQMD prepares an AQMP for the air quality improvement. Each iteration of the plan is an update of the previous plan and has a 20-year horizon.

Air Quality Management Plans

The Coachella Valley, located in the Salton Sea Air Basin and under AQMD's jurisdiction, has been designated as a serious non-attainment area for PM10. The  Coachella Valley PM10 SIP (CVSIP) establishes additional controls needed to demonstrate expeditious attainment of the PM10 standards.

 Coachella Valley PM10 Plans

The Air Toxics Control Plan is a planning document designed to examine the overall direction of the AQMD's air toxics control program.  It includes strategies that aim to reduce toxic emissions and risk from both mobile and stationary sources. 

This page updated: November 22, 2006