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Permit Streamlining Task Force

Documents and Reports
Upcoming PSTF Meeting Dates


AQMD has been a pioneer in developing and implementing a wide range of permit streamlining measures. In the early 1990s, the AQMD developed several innovative measures to promote permit streamlining and other customer service programs, some of which were incorporated into state law (California Health and Safety Code Section 42320 et seq) and made mandatory for state-wide implementation. In 1998 Governing Board Chairman Dr. William Burke announced a new Permit Streamlining Initiative to improve permitting efficiency. In April 1998, the Permit Streamlining Task Force (PSTF) was formed to develop recommendations to expedite permitting and improve customer service. PSTF members include Governing Board members and representatives from industry, local government and environmental groups. In order to facilitate and implement permit streamlining recommendations and to coordinate AQMD staff’s work with PSTF, AQMD Executive Officer Dr. Barry Wallerstein appointed Mohsen Nazemi, Deputy Executive Officer of Engineering and Compliance, as the permit streamlining ombudsman and formed the Permit Streamlining Team of staff engineers.  Also a contractor was hired in 1998 to brainstorm with the permitting staff and the public to determine areas needing improvement.  Recommendations were developed in four basic areas and included measures to:

  • Reduce steps required to issue permits,
  • Improve communications internally and externally,
  • Optimize permit structure and systems, and
  • Enhance management and organizational effectiveness.

Most of the recommendations were completed and some tasks are on-going.  In 2005, PSTF reconvened to continue exploring and developing ways to enhance permit processing.  A new running list of recommendations was generated by the PSTF.  In 2006, the Governing Board approved two million dollars for the following areas in permitting:

  • Staff Enhancement/Augmentation
  • Systems Enhancements
  • Staff Training

Completed and on-going tasks

Documents and Reports

The following is a list of Governing Board Agenda Items, meeting presentations and other documents by date. 

PSTF Meeting
March 17, 2009
Presentation (pdf,  81 kb)
PSTF Meeting
January 28, 2009
Presentation (pdf,  2.57 Mb)
PSTF Meeting
October 23, 2008
Presentation (pdf, 2.14 Mb)
PSTF Meeting
August 26, 2008
Presentation (pdf, 123 kb)
PSTF Meeting
June 24, 2008
Presentation (pdf, 165 kb)
PSTF Meeting
April 16, 2008
Presentation (pdf, 129 kb)

Older documents are posted on the webpage Permit Streamlining Task Force Archive.


A list of the current members are available on the webpage Permit Streamlining Task Force Members.

Scheduled PSTF Meetings

A sub-committee of the PSTF continues to meet once a quarter.  Dates and locations are subject to change. 




Wednesday, January 28, 2009
2-4 PM Conference Room CC-8
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2-4 PM Conference Room CC-2
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 2-4 PM Conference Room CC-8
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2-4 PM Conference Room CC-8
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 2-4 PM Conference Room CC-8


If you need further assistance, please contact Mohan Balagopalan of Engineering and Compliance at 909-396-2704 or

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This page updated: March 18, 2009