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OMI/Aura Ozone (O3) Total Column Daily L2 Global 0.25x0.25 deg Lat/Lon- [ OMTO3G ]


 OMTO3G File Spec

Shortname: OMTO3G

Longname: OMI/Aura Ozone (O3) Total Column Daily L2 Global 0.25deg Lat/Lon Grid

Lead Algorithm Scientist: Pawan K. Bhartia (NASA/GSFC)


This document specifies the format of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)
OMTO3G product, which is the daily Level 2G (L2G) gridded data product that
corresponds to the OMTO3 product. The latter is the U.S. OMI Science
Team's total column ozone orbital Level 2 (L2) swath data product (Reference 1).

The L2G product contains 24 UTC hours of L2 product subsetted onto a
longitude-latitude grid.

An OMI L2G day is defined to be the 24 hours that lie between UTC times of
0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds and 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.999999 seconds.

The L2G product contains the data for all L2 "scenes" that
1) have observation times that lie within the L2G day in question,
2) have centers that lie within the L2G grid cell in question, and
3) are "good".

A "good" L2 scene is defined as one that has
i) a solar zenith angle that is less than or equal to 88.0 degrees, and
ii) an ozone column amount that is not equal to the missing value.

The adopted L2G grid is a 0.25-degree by 0.25-degree grid in longitude and
latitude. The dimensions of this grid are 1440 by 720. The origin of the
grid is at lower left. That is, the grid cell at coordinates (1, 1)
is centered at (longitude = -179.875 , latitude = -89.875),
and the grid cell at coordinates (1440, 720)
is centered at (longitude = 179.875 , latitude = 89.875).

The adopted L2G grid is consistent with the document entitled "Definition
of OMI Grids for Level 3 and Level 4 Data Products" by J.P. Veefkind et al.
(Reference 2).

The L2G product currently excludes L2 data collected in spatial and spectral
zoom modes.

Each "good" L2 scene is mapped onto only one L2G grid cell.

The number of L2 scenes that are mapped onto a given L2G grid cell can range
from 0 to 12, and the corresponding data are stored in an additional dimension
of the grid.

The L2 data are not averaged or weighted in any way in the L2G product.

The product is stored as one HDF-EOS 5 grid file, and has a size of 150 MB.

The format of the L2G product files is consistent with the document entitled
"HDF-EOS Aura File Format Guidelines" by C. Craig et al. (Reference 3).

Global Metadata:

- Metadata Name: EndUTC
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
UTC at the end of the L2G granule in "YYYY-MM-DDT23:59:59.999999Z" format.

- Metadata Name: GranuleDay
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 31
Data Source: PGE
Description: The day of the month at the start of the L2G granule.

- Metadata Name: GranuleDayOfYear
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 366
Data Source: PGE
Description: The day of the year at the start of the L2G granule.

- Metadata Name: GranuleMonth
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 12
Data Source: PGE
Description: The month of the year at the start of the L2G granule.

- Metadata Name: GranuleYear
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 2000
Maximum Value: 2099
Data Source: PGE
Description: The (four-digit) year at the start of the L2G granule.

- Metadata Name: HDFEOSVersion
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: HE
Description: >
The version of HDF-EOS 5 used in production. Example is "HDFEOS_5.1.8".

- Metadata Name: InstrumentName
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Valids: OMI
Data Source: PGE
Description: Actual is "OMI" (see Section 6.1 of Reference 3).

- Metadata Name: OrbitNumber
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1,16
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 999999
Data Source: L2
Description: The OMI orbit number for each L2 input granule.

- Metadata Name: OrbitPeriod
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1,16
Minimum Value: 5000.0
Maximum Value: 7000.0
Data Source: PGE
Description: The Aura orbital period for each L2 input granule.

- Metadata Name: Period
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Valids: Daily,Weekly,Monthly
Data Source: PGE
Description: The duration of the L2G granule. Actual is "Daily".

- Metadata Name: PGEVERSION
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PCF
Description: Example is "0.9.37" (see Appendix K of Reference 4).

- Metadata Name: ProcessLevel
Mandatory: T

Number of Values: 1
Valids: 2G
Data Source: PGE
Description: Actual is "2G".

- Metadata Name: QAPercentMissingData
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1,16

Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 100
Data Source: L2
Description: >
The percent of Level 1B calibrated radiance data that is missing from each
L2 input granule.

- Metadata Name: StartUTC
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
UTC at the start of the L2G granule in "YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000000Z" format.


- Metadata Name: TAI93At0zOfGranule
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 1.0e+30
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The TAI93 time at 0z of the L2G granule (see Section 6.1 of Reference 3).

Grid Metadata:

- Metadata Name: MaximumNumberOfCandidatesPerGridCell
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 15
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The maximum number of L2 scenes per cell in the L2G grid (this can be as large as 12).

- Metadata Name: MinimumNumberOfCandidatesPerGridCell
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 15
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The minimum number of L2 scenes per cell in the L2G grid (this is typically
0, because empty L2G grid cells are quite common).

- Metadata Name: NumberOfEmptyGridCells
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1036800
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The number of cells in the L2G grid that do not contain any L2 scenes.

- Metadata Name: NumberOfDuplicateScenesAcceptedIntoGrid
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1500000

Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The number of L2 scenes accepted into L2G grid cells that already contain
one or more L2 scenes.

- Metadata Name: NumberOfGridCells
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 1036800
Data Source: PGE
Description: The total number of cells in the L2G grid.

- Metadata Name: NumberOfLatitudesInGrid
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 720
Data Source: PGE
Description: The number of latitude bins in the L2G grid.

- Metadata Name: NumberOfLongitudesInGrid
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 1440
Data Source: PGE
Description: The number of longitude bins in the L2G grid.
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The number of cells in the L2G grid that contain two or more L2 scenes.

- Metadata Name: NumberOfPopulatedGridCells
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1036800
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The number of cells in the L2G grid that contain one or more L2 scenes.

- Metadata Name: NumberOfScenesAcceptedIntoGrid
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1500000
Data Source: PGE
Description: The number of L2 scenes accepted into the L2G grid.

- Metadata Name: NumberOfScenesConsideredForGrid
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1500000
Data Source: PGE
Description: The number of L2 scenes considered for the L2G grid.

- Metadata Name: NumberOfScenesRejectedFromGrid
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1500000
Data Source: PGE
Description: The number of L2 scenes rejected from the L2G grid.

- Metadata Name: Projection
Mandatory: T
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 99
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The GCTP projection code of the L2G grid. Actual is 0, which corresponds
to the geographic projection.

Grid Dimensions:

- Dimension Name: nCandidate
Dimension Type: FIXED
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 15
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The L2-candidate-scenes dimension of the L2G grid. The size of this
dimension is currently set at 15.

- Dimension Name: nLayers
Dimension Type: FIXED
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 7
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The ozone-profile-layers dimension of the L2G grid. Only the first seven
layers of OMTO3 are reproduced in OMTO3G.

- Dimension Name: nWavel
Dimension Type: FIXED
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 12
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The wavelengths dimension of the L2G grid. There are currently twelve
wavelengths in both OMTO3 and OMTO3G.

- Dimension Name: XDim
Dimension Type: FIXED
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 1440
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The longitudes dimension of the L2G grid. There are currently 1440
0.25-degree-wide bins between longitudes -180.0 and 180.0 degrees.

- Dimension Name: YDim
Dimension Type: FIXED
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 720
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The latitudes dimension of the L2G grid. There are currently 720
0.25-degree-wide bins between latitudes -90.0 and 90.0 degrees.

Geolocation Fields:

- Field Name: GroundPixelQualityFlags
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 65534
Missing Value: 65535
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Ground Pixel Quality Flags
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The ground pixel quality flags for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G
grid cell:

Bits 0 to 3 together contain the land/water flags:
0 - shallow ocean
1 - land
2 - shallow inland water
3 - ocean coastline/lake shoreline
4 - ephemeral (intermittent) water
5 - deep inland water
6 - continental shelf ocean
7 - deep ocean
8-14 - not used
15 - error flag for land/water

Bits 4 to 6 are flags that are set to 0 for FALSE, or 1 for TRUE:
Bit 4 - sun glint possibility flag
Bit 5 - solar eclipse possibility flag
Bit 6 - geolocation error flag

Bit 7 is reserved for future use (currently set to 0).

Bits 8 to 14 together contain the snow/ice flags (based on NISE):
0 - snow-free land
1-100 - sea ice concentration (percent)
101 - permanent ice (Greenland, Antarctica)
102 - not used
103 - dry snow
104 - ocean (NISE-255)
105-123 - reserved for future use
124 - mixed pixels at coastline (NISE-252)
125 - suspect ice value (NISE-253)
126 - corners undefined (NISE-254)
127 - error

Bit 15 - NISE nearest neighbor filling flag.
(See Section 6.2 of Reference 5 for more details.)

- Field Name: Latitude
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -90.0
Maximum Value: 90.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: deg
Data Source: L2
Title: Geodetic Latitude
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-Aura-Shared
Description: >
The geodetic latitude (in degrees) on the ground at the center of each L2
candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: LineNumber
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 5000
Missing Value: -2000000000
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Line Number of Candidate Scene
Unique Field Definition: OMI-Specific
Description: >
The line number for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: Longitude
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -180.0
Maximum Value: 180.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: deg
Data Source: L2
Title: Geodetic Longitude
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-Aura-Shared
Description: >
The geodetic longitude (in degrees) on the ground at the center of each
L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: NumberOfCandidateScenes
Dimensions: YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 100
Missing Value: 0
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: PGE
Title: Number of Candidate Scenes
Unique Field Definition: OMI-Specific
Description: >
The number of L2 candidate scenes in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: OrbitNumber
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 1000000
Missing Value: -2000000000
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Orbit Number of Candidate Scene
Unique Field Definition: OMI-Specific
Description: >
The orbit number for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: PathLength
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 2.0
Maximum Value: 100.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: PGE
Title: Path Length
Unique Field Definition: OMI-Specific
Description: >

The path length [= sec(solar zenith angle) + sec(viewing zenith angle)] for
each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: RelativeAzimuthAngle
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -180.0
Maximum Value: 180.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: deg(EastofNorth)
Data Source: L2
Title: Relative Azimuth Angle (sun + 180 - view)
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The relative (sun + 180 - view) azimuth angle (in degrees) on the ground at
the center of each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: SceneNumber
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 60
Missing Value: -2000000000
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Scene Number of Candidate Scene
Unique Field Definition: OMI-Specific
Description: >
The cross-track ground-pixel number for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G
grid cell.

- Field Name: SecondsInDay
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 86401.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: s
Data Source: L2
Title: Seconds after UTC midnight
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-Aura-Shared
Description: >
The time after UTC midnight (in seconds) for each L2 candidate scene in each
L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: SolarZenithAngle
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 180.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: deg
Data Source: L2
Title: Solar Zenith Angle
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-Aura-Shared
Description: >
The solar zenith angle (in degrees) on the ground at the center of each L2
candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: TerrainHeight
Data Type: HE5T_NATIVE_INT16
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -200
Maximum Value: 10000
Missing Value: -32767
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: m
Data Source: L2
Title: Terrain Height
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-Aura-Shared
Description: >
The terrain height (in meters) at the center of each L2 candidate scene in
each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: Time
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -5.0e+09
Maximum Value: 1.0e+10
Missing Value: -1.2676506002282294e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: s
Data Source: L2
Title: Time at Start of Scan (TAI93)
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-Aura-Shared
Description: >
The TAI93 time (in seconds) for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid

- Field Name: ViewingZenithAngle
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 70.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: deg
Data Source: L2

Title: Viewing Zenith Angle
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The viewing zenith angle (in degrees) on the ground at the center of each L2
candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

Data Fields:

- Field Name: AlgorithmFlags
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 13
Missing Value: 255
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2

Title: Algorithm Flags
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The algorithm flags for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell:
0 - skipped
1 - standard
2 - adjusted for profile shape
3 - based on C-pair (331 and 360 nm)
Add 10 for snow/ice.

- Field Name: APrioriLayerO3
Dimensions: nCandidate,nLayers,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 125.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: DU
Data Source: L2
Title: A Priori Ozone Profile
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The a priori layer ozone values (in DU) for each L2 candidate scene in each
L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: CloudTopPressure
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 1013.25
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: hPa
Data Source: L2
Title: Cloud Top Pressure
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The cloud top pressure (in hPa) for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid


- Field Name: ColumnAmountO3
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 50.0
Maximum Value: 700.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: DU
Data Source: L2
Title: Best Total Ozone Solution
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The best total ozone solution (in DU) for each L2 candidate scene in each
L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: InstrumentConfigurationId
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 200
Missing Value: 255
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Unique Field Definition: OMI-Specific
Title: Instrument Configuration ID
Description: >
Instrument Configuration ID for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid

- Field Name: LayerEfficiency
Dimensions: nCandidate,nLayers,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 10.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Algorithmic Layer Efficiency
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >

The algorithmic layer efficiencies for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G
grid cell.

- Field Name: MeasurementQualityFlags
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 254
Missing Value: 255
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Measurement Quality Flags
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The measurement quality flags for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid
cell (Bit value is 0 for not set and 1 for set):
Bit 0 - Measurement Missing Flag: All ground pixels have L1B
PixelQualityFlags bit 0 set.
Bit 1 - Measurement Error Flag: Any of L1B MeasurementQualityFlags
bit 0,1 or 3 are set for radiance or solar product used.
Bit 2 - Measurement Warning Flag: Any of L1B MeasurementQualityFlags
bit 2, 4, 5, 8, 9 are set for radiance or solar product used.
Bit 3 - Rebinned Measurement Flag:

L1B radiance MeasurementQualityFlags
bit 7 is set.
Bit 4 - SAA Flag: L1B MeasurementQualityFlags bit 10 is set for
radiance or solar product used.
Bit 5 - Spacecraft Maneuver Flag: L1B MeasurementQualityFlags bit 11 is
set for radiance or solar product used.
Bit 6 - Instrument Setting Error Flag: Values for Earth and solar
InstrumentConfigurationId are not compatible.
Bit 7 - To be defined (currently set to 0).

- Field Name: NumberSmallPixelColumns
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 5
Missing Value: 255 Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Number of Small Pixel Columns
Unique Field Definition: OMI-Specific
Description: >
The number of small-pixel-column co-additions for each L2 candidate scene in
each L2G grid cell. This is either 0 (for no or invalid small pixel column selected) or the number of co-additions.

- Field Name: O3BelowCloud
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 100.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: DU
Data Source: L2
Title: Ozone Below Fractional Cloud
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The ozone amount below fractional cloud (in DU) for each L2 candidate scene
in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: QualityFlags
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 65534
Missing Value: 65535
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Quality Flags
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The quality flags for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell:

Bits 0 to 3 together contain several output error flags:

0 - good sample
1 - glint contamination (corrected)
2 - sza > 84 (degree)
3 - 360 residual > threshold
4 - residual at unused ozone wavelength > 4 sigma
5 - SOI > 4 sigma (SO2 present)
6 - non-convergence
7 - abs(residual) > 16.0 (fatal)
Add 8 for descending data.

Bits 4 to 7 are reserved for future use (currently set to 0).

Bits 8 to 15 are flags that are set to 0 for FALSE (good value), or
1 for TRUE (bad value):
Bit 8 - geolocation error (anomalous FOV Earth location)
Bit 9 - sza > 88 (degree)
Bit 10 - missing input radiance
Bit 11 - error input radiance
Bit 12 - warning input radiance
Bit 13 - missing input irradiance
Bit 14 - error input irradiance
Bit 15 - warning input irradiance

- Field Name: Reflectivity331
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -15.0
Maximum Value: 115.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: "%"
Data Source: L2
Title: Effective Surface Reflectivity at 331 nm
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The effective surface reflectivity at 331 nm (in percent) for each L2
candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: Reflectivity360
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -15.0
Maximum Value: 115.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0

Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: "%"
Data Source: L2
Title: Effective Surface Reflectivity at 360 nm
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The effective surface reflectivity at 360 nm (in percent) for each L2
candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: Residual
Dimensions: nCandidate,nWavel,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -32.0
Maximum Value: 32.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: N-Value Residual
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The N-value residuals for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: SmallPixelColumn
Data Type: HE5T_NATIVE_INT16
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1000

Missing Value: -32767
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: Small Pixel Column
Unique Field Definition: OMI-Specific
Description: >
The small-pixel-column number for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid
cell. This is the column number on the CCD for which the pixels are
additionally transmitted without co-addition.

- Field Name: SO2index
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -300.0

Maximum Value: 300.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: SO2 Index
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The SO2 index for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: StepTwoO3
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 50.0
Maximum Value: 700.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: DU
Data Source: L2
Title: Step 2 Ozone Solution
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The step 2 ozone solution (in DU) for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G
grid cell.

- Field Name: TerrainPressure
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 1013.25
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: hPa
Data Source: L2
Title: Terrain Pressure
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The terrain pressure (in hPa) at the center of each L2 candidate scene in
each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: UVAerosolIndex
Dimensions: nCandidate,YDim,XDim
Minimum Value: -30.0
Maximum Value: 30.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0

Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: NoUnits
Data Source: L2
Title: UV Aerosol Index
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared
Description: >
The UV aerosol index for each L2 candidate scene in each L2G grid cell.

- Field Name: Wavelength
Dimensions: nWavel
Minimum Value: 300.0
Maximum Value: 400.0
Missing Value: -1.2676506e+30
Offset: 0.0
Scale Factor: 1.0
Units: nm
Data Source: L2
Title: Wavelength
Unique Field Definition: TOMS-OMI-Shared

Description: The wavelengths (in nm) used in the OMTO3

Core Metadata:

- Metadata Name: AssociatedInstrumentShortName
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA20
Number of Values: 1
Valids: OMI Data Source: MCF

Description: Actual is "OMI".

- Metadata Name: AssociatedPlatformShortName
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA20
Number of Values: 1
Valids: Aura
Data Source: MCF Description: Actual is "Aura".


Metadata Name: AssociatedSensorShortName
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA20
Number of Values: 1
Valids: CCD Ultra Violet,CCD Visible
Data Source: MCF
Description: Actual is "CCD Ultra Violet".

- Metadata Name: AutomaticQualityFlag
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA20
Number of Values: 1
Valids: Passed,Suspect,Failed
Data Source: PGE
Description: Actual is "Failed".

- Metadata Name: AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA255
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
Actual is "An automatic quality investigation has not yet been devised."

- Metadata Name: DayNightFlag
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA5
Number of Values: 1
Valids: Day,Night,Both
Data Source: MCF

Description: Actual is "Day".

- Metadata Name: EastBoundingCoordinate
Mandatory: T
Data Type: LF
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: -180.0
Maximum Value: 180.0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >The terrestrial longitude of the easternmost data in the L2G granule, which
is typically 180.0 degrees.

- Metadata Name: EquatorCrossingDate
Mandatory: T
Data Type: D
Number of Values: 1,16
Data Source: L2
Description: >The date of the descending equator crossing for each L2 input granule.

- Metadata Name: EquatorCrossingLongitude
Mandatory: T
Data Type: LF
Number of Values: 1,16
Minimum Value: -180.0
Maximum Value: 180.0
Data Source: L2
Description: > The terrestrial longitude of the descending equator crossing for each L2
input granule.

- Metadata Name: EquatorCrossingTime
Mandatory: T
Data Type: T
Number of Values: 1,16
Data Source: L2
Description: >
The time of the descending equator crossing for each L2 input granule.

- Metadata Name: InputPointer
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA255
Number of Values: 1,16
Data Source: PCF
Description: > Description: >
A list of the L2 input granules. Example is


- Metadata Name: LocalGranuleID
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA80
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE

Description: >
Example is "OMI-Aura_L2G-OMTO3G_2005m0122_v002-2005m1111t023553.he5"
(see Appendix E of Reference 4).

- Metadata Name: LocalityValue
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA20
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: MCF
Description: Actual is "Global".

Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA60
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PCF
Description: >
MD5 fingerprint of the HDF product file. Example valids are
"RFC1321 MD5 = not yet calculated" and "RFC1321 MD5 = [0-9,a-f]{32}"

- Metadata Name: NorthBoundingCoordinate

Mandatory: T
Data Type: LF
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: -90.0
Maximum Value: 90.0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The terrestrial latitude of the northernmost data in the L2G granule, which
typically lies in the range from 65.0 to 90.0 degrees.

- Metadata Name: OperationalQualityFlag
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA20
Number of Values: 1
Valids: >
Passed,Failed,Being Investigated,Not Investigated,Inferred Passed,
Inferred Failed,Suspect
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
Actual is "Passed".

- Metadata Name: OperationalQualityFlagExplanation
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA255
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
Actual is "This granule passed operational tests that were administered
by the OMI SIPS. QA metadata was extracted and the file was
read using standard HDF-EOS utilities.".

- Metadata Name: OrbitNumber
Mandatory: T
Data Type: I
Number of Values: 1,16
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 999999
Data Source: L2
Description: The OMI orbit number for each L2 input granule.

- Metadata Name: ParameterName
Mandatory: T

Data Type: VA40
Number of Values: 1
Valids: Total Column Ozone Gridded
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The measured science parameter expressed in the L2G granule. Actual is
"Total Column Ozone Gridded".

- Metadata Name: PGEVERSION
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA10
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PCF
Description: Example is "0.9.37" (see Appendix K of Reference 4).

- Metadata Name: ProductionDateTime
Mandatory: T
Data Type: DT
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: TK
Description: The date and time of the Level 2G processing.

- Metadata Name: QAPercentMissingData
Mandatory: T
Data Type: I
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 100
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
An average for the entire L2G granule of the percent of missing Level 1B
calibrated radiance data.

- Metadata Name: RangeBeginningDate
Mandatory: T
Data Type: D
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: The year, month and day when the L2G granule begins.

- Metadata Name: RangeBeginningTime
Mandatory: T
Data Type: T
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: > The hour, minute, second and fraction of a second when the L2G granule

- Metadata Name: RangeEndingDate
Mandatory: T
Data Type: D
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: The year, month and day when the L2G granule ends.

- Metadata Name: RangeEndingTime
Mandatory: T
Data Type: T
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The hour, minute, second and fraction of a second when the L2G granule

Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA20
Number of Values: 1
Valids: >
processed 1 time,processed 2 times,processed 3 times,processed 4 times
Data Source: PCF
Description: >
An indication of what reprocessing has been performed on the L2G

- Metadata Name: ReprocessingPlanned
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA40
Number of Values: 1
Valids: >
no further update anticipated,further update is anticipated,
further update anticipated using enhanced PGE
Data Source: DP
Description: Actual is "further update is anticipated".

- Metadata Name: ScienceQualityFlag
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA20
Number of Values: 1
Valids: >

Passed,Failed,Being Investigated,Not Investigated,Inferred Passed,
Inferred Failed,Suspect
Data Source: DP
Description: Actual is "Not Investigated".

- Metadata Name: ScienceQualityFlagExplanation
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA255
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: DP
Description: >
Actual is "An updated science quality flag and explanation is put in the
product .met file when a granule has been evaluated. The flag value in
this file, Not Investigated, is an automatic default that is put into
every granule during production.".

- Metadata Name: ShortName
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA8
Number of Values: 1
Valids: OMTO3G
Data Source: MCF
Description: Actual is "OMTO3G".

- Metadata Name: SizeMBECSDataGranule
Mandatory: F
Data Type: LF
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 10000.0
Data Source: DSS
Description: >
The volume of data (in MB) contained in the L2G granule (this Metadata
not appear in the L2G granule).

- Metadata Name: SouthBoundingCoordinate
Mandatory: T
Data Type: LF
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: -90.0
Maximum Value: 90.0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The terrestrial latitude of the southernmost data in the L2G granule,

typically lies in the range from -90.0 to -65.0 degrees.

- Metadata Name: VERSIONID
Mandatory: T
Data Type: SI
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 999
Data Source: PCF
Description: Example is 2.

- Metadata Name: WestBoundingCoordinate
Mandatory: T
Data Type: LF
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: -180.0
Maximum Value: 180.0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The terrestrial longitude of the westernmost data in the L2G granule,
is typically -180.0 degrees.

Product Specific Attributes:

- Metadata Name: ExpeditedData
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA10
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: The indicator for expedited Level 0 data.

- Metadata Name: ExposureTimes
Mandatory: T
Data Type: F
Number of Values: 1,256
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 2000.0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
An array containing the exposure times in seconds used for the

- Metadata Name: MasterClockPeriods
Mandatory: T
Data Type: F
Number of Values: 1,128
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 10.0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
An array containing the master clock periods in seconds used for the

- Metadata Name: NrMeasurements
Mandatory: T
Data Type: I
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 30000
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The number of measurements used to create the L2G granule.

- Metadata Name: NrSpatialZoom
Mandatory: T
Data Type: I
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The number of measurements in spatial zoom mode. Actual is 0, because
zoom measurements are excluded from the L2G granule.

- Metadata Name: NrSpectralZoom
Mandatory: T
Data Type: I
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The number of measurements in spectral zoom mode. Actual is 0, because
zoom measurements are excluded from the L2G granule.

- Metadata Name: NrZoom
Mandatory: T
Data Type: I
Number of Values: 1
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 0
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The number of measurements in zoom modes. Actual is 0, because zoom
measurements are excluded from the L2G granule.

- Metadata Name: SolarEclipse
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA10
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The indicator that during part of the measurements a solar eclipse

- Metadata Name: SouthAtlanticAnomalyCrossing
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA10
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The indicator that during part of the measurements the spacecraft was
in the South Atlantic Anomaly.

- Metadata Name: SpacecraftManeuverFlag
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA10
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: PGE
Description: >
The indicator that during part of the measurements the spacecraft was
performing a maneuver.
Archived Metadata:

- Metadata Name: ESDTDescriptorRevision
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA10
Number of Values: 1
Data Source: MCF
Description: >
The version of the ESDT descriptor file as determined by ECS.

- Metadata Name: LongName
Mandatory: T
Data Type: VA80
Number of Values: 1
Valids: >
OMI/Aura Ozone (O3) Total Column Daily L2 Global 0.25deg Lat/Lon Grid
Data Source: MCF
Description: >
Actual is
"OMI/Aura Ozone (O3) Total Column Daily L2 Global 0.25deg Lat/Lon Grid".

References: >

1. "OMI Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document, Volume II, OMI Ozone
(OMI-ATBD-VOL2, ATBD-OMI-02, Version 2.0, August 2002)

2. "Definition of OMI Grids for Level 3 and Level 4 Data Products"
(OMI-Grids_L3L4, SD-OMIE-KNMI-443, 25 January 2005)

3. "HDF-EOS Aura File Format Guidelines"
(OMI-AURA-DATA-GUIDE, Version 1.5, 23 September 2005)

4. "OMI Science Software Delivery Guide for Version 0.9"
(OMI-SSDG-0.9.10, Version 0.9.10, 22 June 2005)

5. "OMI GDPS Input/Output Data Specification (IODS) Volume 2"
(OMI-GDPS-IODS-2, SD-OMIE-7200-DS-467, 8 November 2004)

6. "OMTO3G ECS Metadata Requirements"
(OMI-OMTO3G_Metadata_RD, Version 0.9.30, 12 August 2005)

7. "Release 6A Implementation Earth Science Data Model for the ECS
Project"(420-TP-022-002, June 2001)
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