Additional Features

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The MLS version 2.2 Near-Real-Time Ozone and Temperature Data are now available via anonymous FTP download. Data from the past 7 days are retained on disk.

Version 2.2 of the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) level 2 data from begin of mission (August 2004) to present have been processed with Version 2.2 and are available to the public. Previous version 1.5 data, which span the time period from Aug. 8 2004 to Feb. 28, 2007, are still available.

It is essential that MLS data users understand and apply the quality and status indicators contained in the files. Please download and read the appropriate MLS data quality document that describes these quantities and also gives expected precision, resolution, and known artifacts. Users are encouraged to register with the MLS science team at the Data User Registration web page to obtain updates and information about the MLS data products.

Level 2 Standard Atmospheric Products
ShortName & Data Access Description
ML2BRO.001 ML2BRO.002 MLS/Aura L2 Bromine Monoxide (BrO) Mixing Ratio
  ML2CH3CN.002 MLS/Aura L2 Methyl Cyanide (CH3CN) Mixing Ratio
ML2CLO.001 ML2CLO.002 MLS/Aura L2 Chlorine Monoxide (ClO) Mixing Ratio
ML2CO.001 ML2CO.002 MLS/Aura L2 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Mixing Ratio
ML2GPH.001 ML2GPH.002 MLS/Aura L2 Geopotential Height
ML2H2O.001 ML2H2O.002 MLS/Aura L2 Water Vapor (H2O) Mixing Ratio
ML2HCL.001 ML2HCL.002 MLS/Aura L2 Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) Mixing Ratio
ML2HCN.001 ML2HCN.002 MLS/Aura L2 Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) Mixing Ratio
ML2HNO3.001 ML2HNO3.002 MLS/Aura L2 Nitric Acid (HNO3) Mixing Ratio
ML2HO2.001 ML2HO2.002 MLS/Aura L2 Hydroperoxy (HO2) Mixing Ratio
ML2HOCL.001 ML2HOCL.002 MLS/Aura L2 Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) Mixing Ratio
ML2IWC.001 ML2IWC.002 MLS/Aura L2 Ice Water Content
ML2N2O.001 ML2N2O.002 MLS/Aura L2 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Mixing Ratio
ML2O3.001 ML2O3.002 MLS/Aura L2 Ozone (O3) Mixing Ratio
ML2OH.001 ML2OH.002 MLS/Aura L2 Hydroxyl (OH) Mixing Ratio
ML2RHI.001 ML2RHI.002 MLS/Aura L2 Relative Humidity With Respect To Ice
  ML2SO2.002 MLS/Aura L2 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Mixing Ratio
ML2T.001 ML2T.002 MLS/Aura L2 Temperature

Level 2 Near-Real-Time Products (7 most recent days)
ShortName & Data Access Description
  ML2O3_NRT.002 MLS/Aura Near-Real-Time L2 Ozone (O3) Mixing Ratio
  ML2T_NRT.002 MLS/Aura Near-Real-Time L2 Temperature

Level 2 Atmospheric Diagnostics Products
Short Name & Data Access Description
ML2DGG.001 ML2DGG.002 MLS/Aura L2 Diagnostics, Geophysical Parameter Grid
ML2DGM.001 ML2DGM.002 MLS/Aura L2 Diagnostics, Miscellaneous Grid

Level 1 Radiance Products
Short Name & Data Access Description
ML1OA.001 ML1OA.002 MLS/Aura L1 Orbit/Attitude and Tangent Point Geolocation Data
ML1RADD.001 ML1RADD.002 MLS/Aura L1 Radiances from Digital Autocorrelators
ML1RADG.001 ML1RADG.002 MLS/Aura L1 Radiances from Filter Banks for GHz
ML1RADT.001 ML1RADT.002 MLS/Aura L1 Radiances from Filter Banks for THz

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  • Last updated: May 12, 2009 17:32:20 GMT