Money Smart: Get Involved!
Any organization interested in financial education can use Money Smart. For information and instructions on how to obtain copies of the curriculum go to www.fdic.gov or call
The Money Smart curriculum is comprised of ten comprehensive instructor-led modules covering basic financial topics including an introduction to bank services, tips on obtaining credit and information on buying a home. It can be easily reproduced for wide dissemination and has no copyright restrictions. Money Smart is free to users.
Money Smart is available on CD-ROM in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese.
Send Us Your Success Stories
We want to hear how Money Smart is making a difference in peoples' lives. Submit your stories today!
Here are some recent stories submitted by our readers:
Unity in the Community Sponsors Money Smart Classes in Los Angeles
Pastor Bill Woodard, President & CEO of Unity in the Community, a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles, California, met FDIC Community Affairs Specialist Luke Reynolds at a business breakfast conference last year. After hearing about Money Smart, Pastor Woodard requested subsequent meetings with FDIC staff to set up a financial literacy program for clients of Unity in the Community. Woodard writes that most of their clients are low- and moderate-income families who need to know more about traditional banking services. He says that many are either unbanked or underbanked, using check cashing centers for their financial needs.
The Board of Directors of Unity in the Community decided to incorporate Money Smart in their
"Righteous Victory Celebration" Gospel Extravaganza celebrating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The event, which took place at Exposition Park in Los Angeles on Monday, January 19, was a great success. Many of Unity in the Community's banking partners had booths at the event as part of the organization's efforts to improve their clients' overall financial "health."
Unity in the Community began teaching the full ten-module Money Smart curriculum in February. Pastor Woodard writes: "The ten modules will be taught in order by representatives from California National Bank on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. for a total of five weeks. We plan to offer other banks the opportunity to teach in later sessions.
"The response to the class thus far by our community has been overwhelming positive. We have tables and chairs set up to accommodate up to 40 students. Each class has grown from 12 people to overflowing. We will begin our next session in early April, after evaluating the outcome of this session, in order to maximize the results of our future Money Smart training. The classes have been fruitful and blessed of God.
"I believe this is an excellent opportunity for the class members to receive invaluable financial information, and establish relationships with bankers for future mutual benefit. We at Unity in the Community are happy to be the bridge between the community, banks and the FDIC. We are grateful to all of you at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for this opportunity."
State Farm Agents Bring Money Smart Classes to Union County, PA.
After taking a Money Smart Train the Trainer course, State Farm agents in Union County, Pennsylvania, decided to take Money Smart into the community. State Farm Agent Megan Richard writes: "One phone call to our local CareerLink center, a local resource for community residents who are unemployed or looking to make a career change, and the process had started. State Farm Agents Megan Richard, Chris Kenawell and Steve Smeltz, as well as team members Bonnie Katherman and Anna Bingaman, have partnered with the CareerLink locations in Lewisburg, Selinsgrove, Shamokin and Lewistown to offer the ten Money Smart modules over the course of 2004. We offer one course per month at each of the four locations.
"Participation has been averaging ten participants per session and the feedback has been extremely positive, both from participants and leadership at CareerLink. All of the participants have committed to coming back for the second session and the State Farm representatives are excited as well. It's really rewarding to promote financial literacy to those who need it for basic skills, and to have it serve as a refresher for the rest of us. All of the agents involved feel as if we're providing a valuable service to our communities by being involved."