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Level 2 Version 005 Products (with HSB)

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Data Product Description Begin Date End Date Number of Items Average Item Size(Kb) Document
L2-RetStd_HSB_V005 Version 005 Standard final retrieval product in 28 standard pressure levels (with HSB). VARIABLE SUBSETTING is available. 2002-08-31 00:05:26.000000Z 2003-02-05 23:53:26 37159 2347 Doc
L2-CC_HSB_V005 Version 005 Cloud-Cleared IR radiances (with HSB). CHANNEL SUBSETTING is available. 2002-08-31 00:05:26.000000Z 2003-02-05 23:53:26 37119 9397 Doc
L2-RetSup_HSB_V005 Version 005 Support product in 100 pressure levels (with HSB). VARIABLE SUBSETTING is available. 2002-08-31 00:05:26.000000Z 2003-02-05 23:53:26 37160 13140 Doc

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