Youth Service America

Improving communities by increasing the number and the diversity of young people, ages 5-25, serving in substantive roles.


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Upload a video or photos at about how you're changing your community, and Miley just may visit you or bring you along to one of her service projects in your town!

Global Youth Service Day 2009 is April 24-26

Global Youth Service Day 2009 was April 24-26!

Global Youth Service Day (GYSD) is the largest service event in the world, organized by Youth Service America, with the Global Youth Action Network as its key partner and a consortium of international organizations and over 120 national coordinating committees in participating countries. GYSD is an annual global event that highlights and celebrates the contributions of youth to their communities through volunteer service. (Learn more about Global Youth Service Day)

Post Your Event!


Visit to start posting your projects on the map and to begin sharing your experience with others online using Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, widgets and more!Global Youth Service Day Globe

What happened on
Global Youth Service Day?

Youth participate in GYSD to address the needs of their local communities through service, for  recognition for their contributions, and to take part in the global youth service movement.

Browse photos of service projects on Flickr or watch videos of service on YouTube

See what went on in your community at the Interactive GYSD 2009 Project Map
View the map by US State, issue area, grant and more

First Responders cover

FIRST RESPONDERS: Youth Addressing Childhood Obesity through Service-Learning

Youth Service America, in collaboration with UnitedHealthcare, brings you First Responders: Youth Addressing Childhood Obesity Through Service-Learning by Bob Bhaerman.

Semester of Service

Semester of Service encourages students, ages 5-25, to develop a semester-long service-learning project that launches on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service (January 19, 2009) and culminates on Global Youth Service Day (April 24-26, 2009). Projects take place in classrooms as part of the academic curriculum; in schools as part of the extra-curricular activities; in congregations of faith; and in youth development groups in neighborhoods across the United States. During these 12 weeks, young people from elementary schools to graduate universities will identify a problem or unmet need that affects their community, the nation, or the world. They will prepare a plan, take action to implement their solution, reflect deeply on their progress and next steps, and celebrate their success.

Learn more and download resources at

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Global Youth Service Day
April 23-25, 2010

Presenting Sponsor:
State Farm Insurance Logo

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YSA Blogs

How Old Are You?

This entry is the first in a series of posts about social perceptions of children and how they affec...... Read More

Paving the Streets with the Millennium Development Goals

Leave it to youth to come up with direct, in-your-face ways to show what we should care about. Coord...... Read More

Wrap up on the 2.0 Nonprofit Conference

While few of the concepts or lessons learned were particularly new to me, the way they phrased them ...... Read More

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