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FOIA Customer Feedback

Please use this form to provide us feedback so that we may continue to improve this area.

Thank you for participating in the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) survey on your experiences as a requestor of Federal Records under the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act. We welcome your participation since your responses will help us to improve our services to requestors in the future. Your participation in this survey is VOLUNTARY and your responses are ANONYMOUS.

How long has it been since your last request?
  1 - 6 months  
6 months - year  
1 - 3 years
More than 3 years

How would you rate FMCS' response to your last request?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied  

If you have made more than one request, has the level of requestor service changed since your first request? If so, please indicate the change or lack of change below:
About the same  

With regard to your last request, were you satisfied with the time it took for FMCS to respond?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied  

If you have any comments about the information in this survey or suggestions on how FMCS could better serve your future requests, please provide your remarks below.