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Ethanol Forum and Technical Roundtable



Thursday, June 15, 2006


9:00 a.m.


South Coast AQMD Headquarters - Room GB

Presentations are in PDF format and clickable from the agenda

*PDF files require a reader.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District convened an Ethanol Forum and Technical Roundtable focused on the use of ethanol as a low-level blend component of gasoline and E-85 fuel ethanol for use in Flexible Fuel Vehicles. The objective of the meeting was to identify key expert perspectives on the energy and emission implications of the use of ethanol in order to identify appropriate oxygenate policy in the context of the upcoming revisions to the Air Quality Management Plan for the South Coast Air Basin.

Ten technical experts provided focused presentations on various aspects of ethanol. After the presentations, a technical roundtable discussion was conducted with the assistance of a moderator.

Attendees included major stakeholders from auto manufacturers, energy companies, ethanol industry representatives, state and federal regulatory agencies, environmental and community organizations and other interested parties.

Please click here for the agenda and presentations for this meeting.

For  information, contact Paul Wuebben, (909) 396-3247.

This page updated: June 29, 2006