
Bicycle Friendly States Rankings Announced (5.8.09) The League released the second annual ranking of Bicycle Friendly States in conjunction with Bike to Work Week. View entire state ranked list. Click here to read more.

Smart Cycling Conference: Setting New Directions (5.8.09) Come to San Jose this June 18-20 to talk about the best way to teach cyclists; to help the League continue to improve our curricula; and to hear news and updates from the foremost cycling educators in the world. View agenda.

2009 spring Bicycle Friendly Communities and States (5.01.09) The League is proud to announce the 2009 spring Bicycle Friendly Communities and States in celebration of Bike Month 2009. The League is recognizing 13 new Bicycle Friendly Communities and three BFC renewals. Notably, five states have their first BFC designations. Read more.

DOT Sec. Wants “Sustained Engagement” from Bike Advocates (4.23.09) DOT Sec. Ray LaHood posted on his blogthat "When I told the League of American Bicyclists National Bike Summit that 'Cyclists are important users of America's transportation systems,' I meant it. Read more.

Where is Your Money Going? (4.22.09) On February 17, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 became law. ARRA provides $48.1 billion for transportation infrastructure projects to be administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Of that, $27.5 billion is for highways and bridges (3% of that for Transportation Enhancements). View specific state transportation funding info.

Bike Month

The League of American Bicyclists is promoting Bike-to-Work Week from May 11-15 and Bike-to-Work Day on Friday, May 15. Find events in your area here.

Trash Talking
Trash Talking


More about equality from Board Chair Amanda Eichstaedt: The chart, statement and first article.

Learn more about the Bicycle Commuter Tax, the Complete Streets Bill and the Economic Stimulus Bill.

2009 National Bike Summit Presentations


The League has announced 34 new Bicycle Friendly Businesses!

Check out the new video on Boulder from StreetFilms.

The Bicycle Friendly America program now recognizes communities, states and businesses. View the latest news, and map of the winners.



Bike Week

Bike to Work Week
May 11-15, 2009.

May is Bike Month!

Smart Cycling Conference June 18-20, 2009: Learn and network with your peers. Register today!

Weekend on Wheels July 31-Aug 2: The League National Rally of Cyclists


Education debate rages on pages of international transport journal.

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