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BOARD MEETING DATE: January 9, 2009


Set Public Hearings February 6, 2009 to:

  1. Receive Public Input on Executive Officer’s Priority Goals for FY 2009-10.
    A set of priority goals for the FY 2009-10 Budget has been developed. The Executive Officer wishes to receive public and Board Member input on these priority goals as they serve as the foundation of AQMD’s Work Program.
  2. Amend Rule 1173 – Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks and Releases from Components at Petroleum Facilities and Chemical Plants.
    The proposed amendments will require changes in the rule to amend the exemption listed in paragraph (l)(5) for enforceability. When the rule was last amended in June 2007 two new paragraphs - (h)(1) and (h)(3) were added to address the installation schedule for continuous monitors for atmospheric process pressure relief devices, but the references made in the exemption were inadvertently left unchanged as (h)(4) and (h)(5) as opposed to (h)(6) and (h)(7). The new amendment will not result in any changes in emissions and solely reflects administrative changes that will correctly express the intent of the June 2007 rule amendment. (Review: Stationary Source Committee, January 23, 2009)
  3. Amend Rule 2701 - SoCal Climate Solutions Exchange.
    Rule 2701 - SoCal Climate Solutions Exchange was adopted at the December 5, 2008 Board meeting. The Board directed staff to evaluate the potential environmental justice impacts, if any, relative to the Manure Management Project Protocol prior to adding it to the list of approved protocols under the District's greenhouse gas reduction program. Staff recommends inclusion of the Manure Management Project Protocol with some local requirements to the list of approved greenhouse gas emission reduction protocols in Rule 2701. (Review: Climate Change Committee, January 16, 2009)

The complete text of the proposed amendments, staff reports and other supporting documents will be available from the District’s Public Information Center, (909) 396-2550 and on the Internet ( on January 7, 2009.


Set Public Hearings February 6, 2009 to receive public input on the Executive Officer’s Priority Goals for FY 2009-10, and to amend Rules 1173 and 2701.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


Receive Public Input on Executive Officer’s Priority Goals for FY 2009-10.

Amend Rule 1173 – Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks and Releases from Components at Petroleum Facilities and Chemical Plants. (EXE, 71k)

Amend Rule 2701 - SoCal Climate Solutions Exchange.

This page updated: January 08, 2009