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Presidio Header - history Section

The background image for the Presidio "history" header consists of a field of gold with the word "history" in block letters in the lower right corner overlaying a monochrome sketch of a branch.

history Section Menu

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Site Preservation

A photo of shovels before a major dig.Archaeology often plays a role in the day-to-day operation and preservation of the Presidio. Experts ensure that underground treasures are preserved as buildings are rehabilitated, landscapes are maintained, and infrastructure is upgraded.

The Presidio archaeology team has developed a “sensitivity map” based on extensive research to define underground areas that contain important archaeology features. When park staff must disturb the ground during a project, an archaeologist reviews the plan and advises how to safeguard archaeological resources. An Archaeological Management Plan is prepared for major projects that could come into contact with underground artifacts.

Staff also monitors natural processes such as erosion, burrowing animals such as gophers, and even the effect of earthquakes to minimize damage to archaeological features.