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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
05.26.06 - AGU presentation on 2005 Hurricane season using Giovanni selected by NASA Newsroom for publication
An AGU poster presentation entitled "Observing Increased Chlorophyll-a in Storm Wakes for the 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Season using 8-Day Data Products in Giovanni " has been selected by the NASA Newsroom for publication. The research was led by Dr. Suhung Shen, an atmospheric scientist at the G...
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05.24.06 - Six new daily cloud aerosol parameters added to MOVAS Giovanni
Six parameters have been added for Aqua and Terra MODIS daily aerosol product in MOVAS Giovanni. These parameters are: Cloud Effective Radius Combined Phase (Daytime), Cloud Effective Radius Ice Phase (Daytime), Cloud Effective Radius Water Phase (Daytime), Cloud Optical Thickness Combined Phas...
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05.09.06 - MODIS daily products now available in MOVAS Giovanni
We have added four months of MODIS daily products to MODIS Online Visualization and Analysis System (MOVAS) Giovanni to allow users to start experimenting with daily data. It is still Collection 4, but we are preparing for Collection 5. There is, as yet, no intercomparison option for daily prod...
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04.28.06 - NASA's S4PM 5.11.0 has just been released to the open source community
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) version 5.11.0 is now available to the open source community from SourceForge and from the GSFC Open Source Software site.
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04.21.06 - OMI Cloud Product (OMCLDRR) now available
The OMI level 2 Cloud Product (OMCLDRR) using the Rotational Raman scattering algorithm is now available to the public. This product contains effective cloud pressure and cloud fraction along with ancillary information.
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04.18.06 - OMI Level 2G now available in Giovanni
The OMI Level 2G total column ozone gridded product is now available in OMI Giovanni. This OMI Giovanni (now separated from TOMS Giovanni) allows users to interactively filter by quality flag and viewing zenith angle.
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04.05.06 - GPCP Data now available in TOVAS Giovanni
Global Precipitation (GPCP, 1979 - 2005) data are available through TOVAS Giovanni. In addition, TRMM V5 data products have been replaced by TRMM V6. Also, new options have been made available on resultant image page, including "Unit options (mm or inch)" and "Nonlinear color scale".
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03.31.06 - New MODIS Aqua SST available in Giovanni
A new version of MODIS Aqua Sea Surface Temperature (SST) has been added to the Ocean Color Time-Series Project Giovanni subsequent to the full dataset reprocessing by the OBPG. The data product used in Giovanni is the daytime longwave (11 microns) SST product, which is the data product most si...
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03.31.06 - New MODIS Aqua SST available in Giovanni
A new version of MODIS Aqua Sea Surface Temperature (SST) product has been added to the Ocean Color Time-Series Project Giovanni subsequent to the full dataset reprocessing by the OBPG. The data product used in Giovanni is the daytime longwave (11 microns) SST product, which is the data product...
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02.23.06 - MODIS support is being transitioned to the MODAPS facility
As part of NASA Data Centers evolution, MODIS support is being transitioned from the Goddard Earth Sciences DAAC to the MODAPS facility. On February 24, 2006, the Goddard DAAC will discontinue producing MODIS Collection 004 data types of Level 1 as well as Level 2 Atmospheric Profiles and Cloud...
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC