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The United States of America was built on the deep foundations of independence, the idea that government should be representative of the people and the vision that every citizen is entitled to the "pursuit of life, liberty and happiness."

Starting with its original 13 stars and stripes, the national flag became the first symbol of America's spirit of independence and devotion to democracy. Closely following the flag came the Great Seal of the United States and the selection of the golden eagle as the national bird.

Over the years, other symbols have become renowned as uniquely American, celebrating not only the country's success as a democracy, but its unique, evolving and independent culture as well.

Here, the Department of Defense highlights some of the most enduring symbols of America.

Patriotic Songs
Symbol Library
American Flag
American Flag
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam
The Capitol
The Capitol
The Great Seal
The Great Seal
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence
Party Animals
Party Animals
Apple Pie
Apple Pie
The Rose
The Rose