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Stryker Brigade Redeployment Ceremony Focuses on Accomplishments, Sacrifices

FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Dec. 13, 2006 – Some 4,000 members of the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team gathered here yesterday to celebrate their accomplishments during 16 months in Iraq and mourn their losses as they uncased the unit’s colors during an emotional redeployment ceremony.

The soldiers assembled here at the Carlson Community Center, just down the road from Fort Wainwright, to reflect on their deployment and receive a rousing welcome home and thank you from Army and brigade leaders. Story

Arctic Wolves Dedicate Wall Honoring Fallen Comrades

FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Dec. 13, 2006 – The Arctic Wolves bid an emotional farewell to 36 of their own yesterday as they gathered here to dedicate the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team Memorial Wall.

Leaders from the unit joined about 25 family members of the fallen gathered in the atrium of the high-tech Battle Command Training Center to remember 26 Stryker Brigade troops, along with 10 soldiers from units attached the brigade during its deployment. Another 150 brigade soldiers just back from a 16-month deployment to Iraq watched the ceremony in an overflow room on a large-screen TV.  Story

Stryker Brigade Legacy to Live On as Unit ‘Reflags,’ Gets New Commanders

FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Dec. 15, 2006 – The 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team was officially redesignated the 25th Infantry Division’s 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team during a ‘reflagging’ ceremony here yesterday.

During the ceremony, the brigade commander who led the unit for 16 months in Iraq and six battalion commanders handed their commands to their successors.

Army Lt. Gen. John Brown III, commander of U.S. Army Pacific, acknowledged during the ceremony at the Carlson Community Center how difficult it must have been for the “Arctic Wolves” to see their unit flag cased and to remove the 172nd unit patch from their shoulders.  Story

Reunited Stryker Families Planning
For Extra-Special Holiday

FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska, Dec. 15, 2006 – Christmas came early this year for the Skeen family as they celebrated what Joanna Skeen called the best gift she could ever ask for: the safe return of her husband.

Army Staff Sgt. Michael Skeen and his fellow 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team soldiers returned to Alaska this month after 16 months in Iraq.   Story

Photo, caption follows
Col. Michael Shields, 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team commander, attaches a new battle steamer to a guidon during the brigade’s redeployment ceremony outside Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Dec. 13, 2006. Defense Dept. photo by William D. Moss  More Photos
Leaders Praise Fortitude of Stryker Brigade Families

FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Dec. 15, 2006 – Army leaders praised military families here during ceremonies this week for standing solidly behind the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team during its 16-month deployment to Iraq.   Story

Photo, caption follows
Ashley McCulloh and her husband U.S. Army Capt. Timothy McCulloh hold their child, Brooks, after the reflagging and change of command ceremony in Fairbanks, Alaska, Dec. 14, 2006.  Defense Dept. photo by William D. Moss  More Photos
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