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AIRS Vertical Profiles for H2O and Temperature of Hurricane Florence

AIRS Retreival Support Images

Figure 1

MODIS Terra Isaac

Figure 2

The GES DISC Hurricane Portal group created AIRS visualization products using the vertical temperature profile and water column density profile from the Retreival Support product. Images show the cross track and along track curtains as AIRS passes over Hurricane Florence on September 10 at 17:30 GMT located approximately at 29.2 LAT and -66.1 LON. Relevant QA information is displayed in horizontal plane, indicating the location of good quality retrievals. Select from the following to view the image interface:
- AIRS vertical temperature profile along track
- AIRS vertical temperature profile cross track
- AIRS water column density profile along track
- AIRS water column density profile cross track

Firgure 1 shows a sample cross track image of thewater column density on September 10. Figure 2 Shows a sample along track image of the H2O parameter on September 10.



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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 00:18:59 GMT