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Viewing Isaac with MODIS Terra and Aqua

MODIS Aqua Isaac

Figure 1

MODIS Terra Isaac

Figure 2

Hurricane Isaac began developing late on September 27 approximately 26.50 lat and -53.10 lon moving in the North/Northwest direction. The Storm developed into a category 1 hurricane midday on September 30 with a short life before it diminished on October 02 reaching maximum winds of 75 knots.

Firgure 1 is an image of Isaac taken from MODIS Aqua with 1km data on September 29. Figure 2 is an image of Isaac as seen by MODIS Terra on September 29.

We will be developing animations and imagery for Isaac soon in the 2006 Hurricane Archive.


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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 00:18:58 GMT