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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
04.24.08 - Completion of AIRS Version 5.2 Data Reprocessing
To address the AMSU-A channel 4 noise problem, the AIRS science team delivered a new processing algorithm V5.2. It applies to AIRS+AMSU-A Level-2 (AIRX2*) and Level-3 (AIRX3*) products. Previous to October 1,2007 they will remain as V5.0. Beginning October 1, 2007, the products will be V5.2.
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04.24.08 - Publication in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Dr. Suhung Shen of the GES DISC is the lead author of a paper published in the IEEE journal - Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. The paper is entitled: Seasonal Variations of Chlorophyll a Concentration in the Northern South China Sea.
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04.24.08 - NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Meeting
Several GES DISC staff will participate in the NASA CC&E meeting April 28 - May 2 in College Park, MD: Z. Liu, A. Chen, and S. Shen will present posters; J. Acker will co-chair a breakout session; and G. Leptoukh, S. Lloyd, and W. Teng will also attend.
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04.16.08 - Monthly 0.25 degree Noah products available from HDISC
Global monthly averaged 0.25 degree Noah products from the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) are now available from the Hydrology DISC (HDISC).
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03.13.08 - Hurricane Data Analysis Tool
The Hurricane Data Analysis Tool (formerly TRMM QuikSCAT Analysis) has now incorporated NCEP Reanalysis data. Users can now generate on-the-fly visualizations for hurricane events and overlay some of the following parameters: sea level pressure, sea surface temperature, winds and precipitation.
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03.11.08 - Giovanni Release 3.0.6
This release focuses on usability issues, as well as the following: new instance for TRMM data, new version 3 OMI products, new MapServer enhancements for gridded products, improved Web Mapping Service (WMS) functionality, enhancements to KML file outputs, and improved error handling.
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02.26.08 - NASA-developed S4PM 5.25.0 has just been released to the open source community
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) version 5.25.0 is now available to the open source community from SourceForge. Click the link to view the release notes.
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02.20.08 - GLDAS products available from the GrADS Data Server (GDS)
The Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) products are now provided to the GrADS Data Server (GDS) users. GDS users can access the data, perform subsetting and analysis operations without first downloading them.
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02.12.08 - Aura re-phasing continues as planned; MODIS MLS-collocated subset from A-Train Data Depot discontinued.
In accordance with the decision to reconfigure the A-Train formation, the re-phasing of the Aura satellite is progressing as planned. The immediate substantial effect of this maneuver is that the footprint of the MLS retrieved column drifts away from the MODIS/Aqua nadir.
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01.24.08 - HIRDLS Level 2 On-line Subsetter
HIRDLS Level 2 data can now be subsetted by parameter and spatial region. The subset tool is available on-line as a web service, and the subsetted data can be downloaded to your machine. Subset capability is also available for OMI and MLS level 2 data.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC