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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
07.09.08 - What will Bertha do next?
hat will Bertha do next? That seems to be the big question. As of July 09 Bertha has started to move in a West/Northwest direction and has been maintaining its category 1 strength. In recent imagery the eye appears to be reforming, and with the storms movement over warmer waters in the next few...

Hurricane Bertha Cat 3 TRMM Merged IR July 07, 2008 21Z
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07.09.08 - Presentation at Committee for Space Research 2008 Scientific Assembly
Young-In Won is the lead author of a presentation analyzing the effect of solar variability on MLS and AIRS atmospheric temperature measurements. This research will be presented at the 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Montreal, Canada, July 13-16.
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07.08.08 - Bertha rapidly becomes a category 3!
The first named hurricane of the season, Bertha, rapidly intensified on Sunday to a category 3 storm with winds reaching 120 mph and a central pressure of 948 mb. Hurricane Bertha is expected to stay in the Atlantic region and decrease in intensity over the next few days. As of 2:00 p.m. EDT, H...

Hurricane Bertha TRMM 3B42RT Hurricane Bertha TRMM Merged IR Product
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07.02.08 - Giovanni use for education highlighted on NASA Web site
A short article about the usefulness of Giovanni for environmental research in high school and undergraduate education, is featured at the NASA Web site for educators.
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06.27.08 - GES DISC staff participate in the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
GES DISC Chief Scientist Steven Lloyd and Giovanni science team leader James Johnson will be participants in the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Tromso, Norway, June 29-July 5, 2008.
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06.17.08 - Giovanni demonstration at ESSEA annual conference
GES DISC Chief Scientist Steven Lloyd is demonstrating the use of Giovanni for education at the Earth Science System Educational Alliance (ESSEA) annual conference in Charleston, SC, June 16-19. (http://essea.strategies.org/)
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06.17.08 - Giovanni analyses applied in Mississippi River plume study
Giovanni analyses of remotely-sensed chlorophyll concentrations were utilized in this historical study of discharge, nutrients, chlorophyll, and primary productivity in the Mississippi River plume. The study is published in a special issue of Continental Shelf Research.
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06.10.08 - Monthly GLDAS products reprocessed
Monthly averaged 1.0 degree and 0.25 degree resolution GLDAS products were reprocessed. In the reprocessed products, soil temperature data were added and all energy balance and water balance parameters were combined.
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05.23.08 - GES DISC at the 2008 AGU Joint Assembly
Several GES DISC staff members will be participating and presenting at the 2008 AGU Joint Assembly meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 27-30, 2008. In addition to presentations, staff members will demonstrated the A-Train Data Depot (ATDD) capabilities during the meeting.
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04.28.08 - NASA-developed S4PM 5.26.0 has just been released to the open source community
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) version 5.26.0 is now available to the open source community from SourceForge. Click the link to view the release notes.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC