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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
09.02.08 - GES DISC participation in the NEESPI Regional Non-boreal Europe Meeting
Suhung Shen gave an presentation entitled The NASA NEESPI Data Portal to Support Studies of Climate and Environmental Changes in Non-boreal Europe ( http://neespi.org/web-content/meetings/Odessa_2008/Day_3_9_Shen.pdf) on NATO Advanced Research Workshop Regional aspects of climate-terrestrial-hy...
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09.01.08 - Gustav Makes Landfall and a New Storm Forms!
Hurricane Gustav makes Landfall this morning as a category 2 storm in Cocodrie, Louisiana. At around 11:00 am EST, Hurricane Gustav is continuely moving Northwest at 15 mph with a wind speed of 110 mph.The storm is located around 29.2 N, 90.8 W, with a pressure of 957 mb.

The storm su...

Tropical Storms MODIS Terra 08-31-2008 Hurricane Gustav MODIS Terra 08-31-2008 Hurricane Gustav TRMM 3B42RT Accumulated Rainfall 09-01-2008
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08.31.08 - Gustav Gets Closer to Land
As of this evening, around 10:54 pm EST, Hurricane Gustav is continuely moving towards the Louisiana coast at 16 mph in a NW direction with a wind speed of 115 mph and is located around 27.3 N, 88.1 W. It has increased slightly in pressure to 954 mb and the storm is starting to slow down as is ...

Tropical Storms in the Atlantic and Gulf regions MODIS RGB 08-31-2008 Hurricane Gustav MODIS RGB 08-31-2008 Hurricane Gustav TRMM 3B42RT Accumulated Rainfall 08-31-2008
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08.28.08 - Tropical Storm Gustav Threatens Coast and New Storm Gets Named Hanna
As of this afternoon, around 2pm EST, Tropical Storm Gustav increased movement to the West slightly to 5mph maintaining wind speed of 70 mph and is located around 17.9 N, 76.2 W. Gustav is expected to soon reach hurricane strength again once it begins movement over the warmer gulf waters. As it...

Atlantic Tropic Region TRMM 3B42RT Accumulated Rainfall for storm systems Tropical Storm Gustav TRMM Merged IR data on 2008-08-25 Hurricane Gustav TRMM Merged IR data on 2008-08-26
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08.21.08 - Fay Slowly Moves, Dumping Rain on Florida
As of this afternoon, around 2pm EST, Tropical Storm Fay increased wind speeds slightly to 60 mph and is located around 29.4 N, 80.8 W. The system is moving ever so slowly to the West/Northwest back to dumping more precipitation on the East and central area's of Florida. Tropical Strom Fay is m...

TS Fay TRMM 3B42 Accumulated Rainfall data Aug 21, 2008 09Z
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08.20.08 - Where will Fay go?
As of this afternoon, around 2pm EST, Tropical Storm Fay was maintaining wind speeds of 50 mph located around 28.6N 80.6 W. Still over Florida, evident by the image seen below, Fay had been dumping much less precipitation on Florida as the days previous. Most of the rainfall now falls to the No...

Tropical Storm Fay TRMM 3B42RT data Aug 20, 2008 09Z Tropical Storm Fay TRMM Merged IR data Animation Aug 18, 2008 14Z to 23Z Tropical Storm Fay TRMM Merged IR data Aug 18, 2008 23Z
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08.19.08 - Slow moving Tropical Storm Fay brings heavy rain to Florida
Tropical Storm Fay made landfall in Florida on Tuesday. The TRMM Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) shows that the slowing moving storm is bringing heavy rain to southern Florida. The tropical storm will bring the much needed rain in severe drought areas in Georgia and Alabama accord...

The latest 3-hour Accumulated Rainfall 24-hour Accumulated Rainfall
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08.15.08 - GES DISC added MODIS/Aqua parameters to Giovanni
GES DISC added MODIS/Aqua parameters for the following products into NEESPI Giovanni: MYD14CM1.005 (Overpass Corrected Fire Pixel Count , Cloud and Overpass Corrected Fire Pixel Count, Mean Fire Radiative Power, Mean Cloud Fraction over Land for Fire Detection) and MYDVI.005 (Enhanced Vegetatio...
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08.14.08 - AIRS (AIRX3STM.005) product parameters added to Giovanni
GES DISC added AIRS (AIRX3STM.005) surface air temperature to the Giovanni visualization and analysis system at http://gdata1.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/daac-bin/G3/gui.cgi?instance_id=neespi
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08.14.08 - New Giovanni NEESPI instance release for Daily data
GES DISC released a new Giovanni instance, 'neespi_daily', with focus on NEESPI daily atmospheric and land surface products of 1x1 deg or higher resolution within the boundaries of Northern Eurasia. http://gdata1.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/daac-bin/G3/gui.cgi?instance_id=neespi_daily
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC