Rural Finance Seminar: Challenges and Opportunities in the U.S. and China
May 22-23, 2008
FDIC Dallas Regional Office
1601 Bryan Street, Dallas, TX 75201
RM 2-157
The FDIC and the People’s Bank of China are jointly sponsoring a seminar on rural finance. The seminar will address challenges and opportunities in the U.S. and China. It will also provide participants from both countries with an opportunity to share experiences and engage each other in a dialogue on the challenges, best practices, and innovations in rural finance in their countries today. In addition to scheduled panels, there will be many opportunities for seminar participants to pursue issues of mutual interest and concern.
Participants List
Hotel Information
The Fairmont Dallas
1717 N. Akard Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
Phone: (214) 720-2020
Fax: (214) 720-5269
We have reserved a group rate of $109 per night plus tax. Please contact Shilpa Shah at to arrange your reservations.
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