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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
07.29.05 - GES DISC discontinues distrbution of MODIS Ocean Color products
The MODIS Ocean Color product suites are no longer available for ordering from the GES DISC, as these particular products are outdated. The agreed NASA Ocean Color products are those being produced and available at the Ocean Biology Processing Group at http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov.
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06.17.05 - GES DISC moving away from data distribution by media
To contain costs, the GES DISC plans to eliminate operational media distribution on tape, DVD and CDs for all its data holdings on October 31, 2005. Electonic distribution of data via the Internet will not be affected. This decision not only provides great cost savings by doing away with a redu...
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05.26.05 - Aura MLS data available
The first release of Aura MLS level 1 and 2 data (version 1.5.1) is now available at the GSFC DAAC. To obtain essential quality information on these data, and to initiate data access, please contact data@mls.jpl.nasa.gov.
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05.20.05 - UARS Celebrates 5000th Day!
Today marks the 5000th day of UARS in orbit. The UARS spacecraft is still operating, with the HALOE, HRDI, PEM, SOLSTICE and SUSIM instruments still taking measurements.
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04.29.05 - OMI Level 2 OMTO3 Available
The Aura OMI level 2 total ozone data product OMTO3 (based on enhanced TOMS V8 algorithm) are now available to the public.
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04.26.05 - Announcement for AIRS Version 4 Products Release
The AIRS Science Team is pleased to release the new Version 4 products. Apart from improved algorithms, an exciting addition is the gridded AIRS level 3 products. Three types of level 3 products will be available: daily, 8-day and monthly means. Also, see Level 3 features from JPL.
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04.18.05 - GES DISC Inaugurates New Web Site
We hope you enjoy our new Web site. Feel free to let us know what you think and don't hesitate to contact us at help-disc@listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov if you need help finding something. This new web site will provide NASA customers with a more familiar and seamless experience while browsing pages at...
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03.17.05 - Media distribution of V0 data sets ending
Due to the need to refresh our Version 0 equipment economically, we will be terminating data distribution through media as o f the following dates: April 1 - Last day for distributing SeaWiFS data via media June 18 - Last day for distributing all Version 0 data via media, including UARS, TOMS, ...
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03.11.05 - MODIS/Terra Collection 5 data
The GES DISC started production of the new MODIS/Terra Collection Version 5 data. It is being evaluated by the Instrument Team, and will be released upon successful completion of the assessment. Meanwhile, Collection Version 4 will continue to be available, and will be processed as usual.
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03.04.05 - Giovanni for TOMS data now available
As part of the new Atmospheric Composition Data and Information Services Center (DISC), we are pleased to announce a version of Giovanni with Earth Probe and Nimbus-7 daily global TOMS data.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC