Miscellaneous Mineral (Micaceous) Mines License Tax

The operation of any mine extracting micaceous minerals is subject to a quarterly license tax. Micaceous minerals are those that are generally classified as complex silicates, and include such minerals as vermiculite, perlite, kernite, maconite, bauxite, etc., pursuant to 15-37-201.

Tax Rate

5 cents per ton of concentrates mined, extracted, or produced

Filing Requirements

Operators of micaceous mineral mines are required to file quarterly statements showing the number of tons of micaceous minerals mined. Quarterly returns, along with the accompanying tax payment, are due within 30 days following the end of each calendar quarter.

Distribution of Miscellaneous Mineral (Micaceous) Mines License Tax

There have been no license tax collections on micaceous mines in the last seven fiscal years because there has been no production.

All proceeds from the micaceous mines license tax are deposited in the state general fund.