Allowance For Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL)
This session will discuss how to ensure that your bank’s process for
determining the adequacy of the ALLL is based on comprehensive, documented,
and consistently applied analysis.
Audit and
Internal Control
Effective audits and internal controls are some of your best opportunities
to protect your stake in the bank and reputation in the community. This
session offers an overview of legal and regulatory standards, suggests best
practices, and provides “tried and true” principles.
Bank Secrecy Act - Basics
This session provides you with the necessary information to provide an
effective oversight of the Bank Secrecy Act, Financial Recordkeeping
regulations, the USA Patriot Act and OFAC requirements.
Bank Secrecy
Act – Beyond the Basics
This session provides in-depth information on certain BSA compliance issues
confronting banks today. Topics include Money Service Businesses, Risk
Assessments, Customer Due Diligence, and Suspicious Activity Monitoring.
Common examination findings are also covered.
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) - Large Bank Overview (Assets
>$1 billion)
Learn the fundamentals of large bank CRA.
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) – Intermediate/Small Banks
In 2005, CRA regulations were significantly revised. As a result, your bank
may be subject to these NEW evaluation procedures if your total assets were
at least $250 million, but no more than $1 billion for the last two years.
This presentation will help you understand these new CRA performance
Compliance Examination Procedures
Get a complete overview of the refocused compliance examination procedures.
What’s Hot?
This presentation will help your bank keep up with changes in the regulatory
landscape. Additionally, we will discuss compliance issues identified
during our examinations that may affect your bank’s Compliance Management
System (CMS). Be prepared – Don’t let your CMS fall prey to compliance
pitfalls. Directors will choose from the following available topics to
customize the session:
Overdraft protection programs / Truth In Savings Act Amendments – 30
SPAM and Telephone Consumer Protection Act – 10 minutes
Check 21 – 10 minutes
Money Penalties / Flood & Home Mortgage Disclosure – 35 minutes
Equal Credit Opportunity Act / Spousal Signature Guarantees – 20 minutes
Credit Reporting Act / Medical Information Regulations – 35 minutes
Reimbursable Violations of Regulation Z – 30 minutes
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act – 10 minutes
Director Supervision of the Lending Function
Information on loan administration, documentation, analytical procedures,
loan review, and the loan approval process will be reviewed. Also, board
and management responsibilities are identified.
Safety and Soundness Issues
Directors face many challenges in keeping abreast of all the latest
developments. This session is designed to provide a concise overview of
current banking, economic, and regulatory issues. Directors will choose
from the following available topics to customize the session:
Deposit Insurance Reform – 25 minutes
Commercial Real Estate Lending – 30 minutes
the FDIC Safeguards Examination Information & FDIC Connect – 15 minutes
Identity Theft – 25 minutes
Non-Traditional Mortgage Products – 35 minutes
Subprime Lending – 35 minutes
Preferred Securities – 20 minutes
Awareness and Prevention
Does your bank’s culture unintentionally encourage fraud? Can you identify
employees who are more likely than others to commit fraud? This session
will cover red flags and provide ideas to help protect your bank. Learn how
to foster an environment that will make fraud less likely. The presentation
contains analyses of several recent bank fraud cases.
Inside the
Examination Process
This session
provides you with a behind the scenes tour of the examination process.
Understand what examiners look at and why. Learn how directors can become
involved in examinations. Scheduling, scoping, and examination types are
explained. Learn about types of enforcement actions and examples where they
may be applied.
Interest Rate Risk
This presentation provides an overview of IRR concepts and introduces
various IRR risk measurement systems.
Banks face
constant challenges in maintaining sufficient liquidity at a reasonable
cost. This session provides an overview of liquidity concepts and discusses
characteristics of various funding sources. Director responsibilities and
effective liquidity management practices will be presented. This
presentation will also explain how examiners assess liquidity.
Information Technology Risk
This session
discusses emerging IT trends, the new IT examination procedures, and recent
regulatory guidance. As a director, learn your role in providing effective
supervision of this function.
Uniform Bank Performance Reports (UBPR)
This session will provide participants with customized, hands-on working
knowledge of the UBPR and how it can be used as a valuable tool in bank