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Annual Emissions Reporting (AER)

  Annual Emission Reporting Program Requirements

The AQMD requires the filing of an Annual Emissions Report and payment of annual fees based on a facility's emission of air contaminants, as specified in Rule 301, subdivision (e) and paragraph (k)(10).  Facilities required to file an annual emissions report include the following:

  • Every facility that has estimated annual emissions of four (4) or more tons of sulfur oxides (SOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), specific organics (SPOG), or particulate matter (PM), or emissions of 100 tons per year or more of carbon monoxide (CO), or emissions of specific Toxic Air Contaminants and Ozone Depleting Compounds in excess of the thresholds listed in Table IV of Rule 301.
  • Every facility subject to the AB2588 Program for reporting quadrennial updates to its toxics emissions inventory (per Health and Safety Code Section 44344).
  • Every facility that receives an Annual Emissions Reporting package from AQMD, regardless of the estimated annual emissions levels, even if no fees are due, to update the facility's emissions records.

All facilities subject to AQMD Rule 301(e) (Annual Emissions Fee) must report their annual emissions from all equipment and processes, regardless of the quantities emitted.  Facilities that meet the emission thresholds given in the first bullet above are also required to pay emission fees.  It is each facility's responsibility to account for all emissions whether or not the emitting equipment requires a permit.  It is the facility’s responsibility to utilize all available resources and reference documents (such as District’s rules and guidelines, EPA’s AP-42, ARB’s reports, etc.) as necessary in quantifying emissions.

Although default emission factors are available for some equipment and materials, facilities are responsible for using valid emission factors that most accurately represent their actual operations.  For example, if a facility uses lacquer and the volatile organic compound (VOC) content from the label or MSDS for that lacquer is 1.5 lbs/gal, the facility should use 1.5 instead of the default factor of 2.3 in calculating emissions.  Also, if equipment complies with an equipment-specific rule, the rule emission limit could be used in lieu of the default factor.  Similarly, if an AQMD pre-approved source test results in different emission factors for the equipment, you should use the source test results in calculating emissions from that equipment, regardless of whether the source test gives higher or lower factors compared to the default factors.  Default emission factors are to be used only when source-specific data is not available.

The data collected by AER is used to update the comprehensive emissions inventory for the AQMD, which includes Orange County, the non-desert portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties, and the Riverside county areas west of the Palo Verde Valley.

This annual emissions inventory of pollutants and source categories is essential to effectively design and evaluate clean air strategies to comply with state and federal public health standards. The compiled inventory is published in each update of the Air Quality Management Plan.

Annual emission fees are assessed on sources which emit:

  • Four tons or more per year of sulfur oxides (SOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), specific organics, or particulate matter;
  • 100 tons per year or more of carbon monoxide (CO);
  • In excess of the thresholds for specific toxic air contaminants and ozone-depleting compounds listed in Table IV of Rule 301.

This page updated: June 26, 2008