Canada Lynx Photo of Wildlife

The Canada lynx is like a gray ghost of the north — elusive, evading human contact. It is such a secretive animal that scientists really don't know how many are left. They do know that the lynx requires large areas to hunt, and those areas are getting smaller due to development. Keeping forests intact is the only way to keep the lynx population healthy.

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Canada lynx

The Canada lynx depends on vital forest ecosystems such as the Northern Forest.
The Northern Forest is one of the United States' greatest forests, located in the northeastern region of the country. Explore this place and learn why the lynx needs forests that are not broken up by roads and development.
Can you do this?

Global warming is the greatest threat to wildlife
Demand strong climate legislation.

Endangered Species Act
The Canada lynx depends on the Endangered Species Act to ensure its very precarious survival - stand up for the Act today!

Endangered Cats
The Canada lynx is just one type of endangered cat found in North America.

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