Publications & Documents - Listed by Topic
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Mission, Activities, and Administrative Actions
2007 Annual Report of the FDIC
Narrative report of operations, legislation, regulations, and statistics on closed banks
and deposit insurance.
Community Reinvestment Act Ratings and Evaluations
CRA performance information for FDIC regulated institutions. Performance ratings [1990 -
present] and evaluations [1996 - present] are available on Internet.
FDIC Enforcement Decisions and Orders
The full-text of the FDIC's enforcement decisions and consent decrees along with other
orders and opinions -- searchable by state, financial institution, party subject to the
action, type of action, year, docket and paragraph number.
Merger Decisions: Annual Report to Congress: Approval
of bank absorptions when the resulting bank is a state nonmember bank.
Office of Inspector General Reports
Speeches, Testimony & Articles
From 1995 to present available on the Internet.
Strategic Plan, 2005-2010
The plan includes the Corporation's mission, vision and values statements. It also
provides an overview of the FDIC and the banking industry; an overview of the corporate
planning process; and a brief summary of strategic plans developed by other FDIC divisions
and offices.
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Manuals, Guides for Bankers, Regulations
Compliance Examination Handbook
Job performance aid for field examiners conducting Compliance and CRA examinations and
Regional Office and Washington Office Staffs processing examination reports and related
FFIEC Information Technology Examination Handbook
Interagency guide to assist regulatory examiners in examining information systems
operations in financial institutions and independent service bureaus.
Risk Management Manual of Examination Policies
Developed primarily for the benefit of the field examiner. Sets forth in a concise,
understandable and usable format those policies and examination objectives of the
Corporation and the Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection which pertain to the safety and soundness
banking examination.
Trust Examination Manual
Designed both to assist the field examiner in planning and conducting examinations of
trust departments, and to provide comprehensive reference material on trust concepts,
principles, statutes, and regulations.
Guides for Bankers
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Consumer Publications
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Policy Research, Data, and Analysis
Research Studies and Analyses:
Promote and contribute to critical banking policy research
Deposit Insurance: An Annotated Bibliography
Contains citations and abstracts for books, journal articles, working papers, dissertations, conference proceedings,
congressional hearings, and government and international agency reports on deposit insurance.
FDIC Banking Review
(Quarterly) Periodical containing articles of interest to the banking community. Archive only;
now incorporated into FDIC Quarterly.
FDIC Quarterly
(Quarterly) Periodical containing a comprehensive summary of the most current financial results
for the banking industry, along with feature articles. The FDIC Quarterly brings together
data and analysis that were previously available through two retired publications -- the FDIC
Outlook and the FDIC Banking Review. Past issues of both publications are archived under their
original publication names.
Working Papers Series
(Irregular) Collection of technical papers written by employees of FDIC.
One-time Studies
- Brief History of Deposit Insurance
Government Studies on Deposit Insurance and Bank Failures
A listing of major U.S. government studies related to deposit insurance and bank failures
as compiled by the FDIC Library. Many of the studies touch upon issues related to
depositor protection including the causes of bank failures, "too-big-to-fail"
and moral hazard.
History of the Eighties
Published in 1997, this two-volume study provides a detailed analysis of the complex
combination of causes that led to the extraordinary number of bank failures in the 1980s
and early 1990s.
Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience
Published in 1998, this two-volume study reviews the resolution and asset disposition
strategies developed and implemented by the FDIC and RTC in response to the banking crisis
of the 1980s and early 1990s. It also reflects on the effectiveness of these methods and
the lessons learned.
Resolutions Handbook
A compilation of the lessons that the FDIC learned as it managed the banking crisis of the
1980s and 1990s.
The First Fifty Years: A History of the FDIC 1933-1983
Prepared in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the FDIC, this study presented a readable
overview of issues related to deposit insurance, and a history of the Agency itself.
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Risk Analysis:
Emerging trends and risks in the banking industry
An electronic bulletin summarizing FDIC analysis of emerging issues in
banking and the economy.
FDIC Outlook
(Quarterly) Discussions of events and trends affecting insured depository
institutions from a regional perspective. Archive only; now
incorporated into FDIC Quarterly
FDIC State Profiles
Banking and economic conditions described for each state, listed by FDIC region. Updated quarterly.
Analytical Data and Reports:
Timely and reliable banking industry data
Failed Bank Cost Analysis: Historical perspective of resolutions of the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) and the
Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF), with losses incurred or estimated to be incurred by the BIF and SAIF.
The FBCA Report was discontinued in 2004. A FBCA database is available through the current year. Please contact
the DOF Business Center at (703) 562-6251 for information on the FBCA database.
FDIC/OTS Summary of Deposits
(Annual) Summary of deposits in all FDIC insured commercial and savings banks, savings
associations (S&Ls) and U.S. branches of foreign banks. Survey results are compiled by
geographic area in a series of six volumes. Each volume contains tables for a group of
states organized by state and by county for each bank and banking office. A seventh volume
includes totals for consolidated metropolitan statistical areas and states and counties.
Historical Statistics on Banking
Year-by-year statistical information on the banking industry (beginning in 1934 for
commercial banks and in 1984 for savings banks and savings institutions). Historical
Statistics on Banking provides comprehensive lists of individual banks and thrifts that
failed or received financial assistance from the FDIC or the Federal Savings and Loan
Insurance Corporation (FSLIC).The national tables are now available as downloadable pdf
files in three volumes.
Quarterly Banking Profile
(Quarterly) Statistical compilation of aggregate industry financial data combined with a
brief discussion focusing on current developments and trends. Published within 75 days of
the end of the reporting period, providing the earliest release of industry-wide aggregate
data. Issues from 1995 to present available on Internet. Archived issues may be obtained
by contacting the Public Information Center. [To be
renamed FDIC QBP - Quarterly Banking Profile]
- Regional Economic Conditions (RECON)
Statistics on Banking
(Annual, Updated Quarterly on Internet) Statistical profile of the U.S. banking industry.
Includes the total number of banks and branches, and aggregate information on the assets,
income, and liabilities of insured banks.
Trust Institution Information
(Annual) Year-end data on trust assets for the 500 financial institutions with trust
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Information for Contractors
FDIC Acquisitions Policy Manual -PDF Version 3 2904k (PDF help)
Establishes policies and procedures for procuring goods and services on behalf of the
Corporation in its corporate, receivership and conservatorship capacities.
Information for Prospective Outside Counsel
This publication outlines how outside counsel can become eligible to provide services to the FDIC.
- Office of Executive Secretary Contractor Ethics Decisions, 1996 - present.
Archive of Discontinued Publications
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