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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
12.05.08 - 2008 Fall AGU Meeting: Climate, Models, and Oceans Presentations
30 years of meteorological data; 6 years of AIRS data; a new system for 8 years of IR data from geostationary satellites, 11 years of ocean color data over the Chesapeake Bay - the GES DISC has tools and data to study climate, to be described at the Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco.
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12.02.08 - Volcano Activity has been added to our Events database
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12.02.08 - MERRA data now available
The Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) production is underway and multi-year segments of the meteorological analyses from each of the 3 production streams are now available online at the GES DISC.
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11.13.08 - MLS Near-Real-Time Data Now Available
The MLS version 2.2 Near-Real-Time Ozone and Temperature Data are now available via anonymous FTP download. Data from the past 7 days are retained on disk.
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11.04.08 - Hurricane Data Analysis Tool: Global Merged IR Dataset Added
Scientists, students, and applications users seeking on-the-fly visualizations of hurricane-related satellite and model data can now visualize and get access to the NCEP/CPC 4-km Global Merged IR Brightness Temperature dataset, through the GES DISC Hurricane Data Analysis tool.
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10.24.08 - Three new questions added to Precipitation FAQ
Three new questions (with linked answers) have been added to the Precipitation FAQ. These questions are useful to GrADS and binary data users.
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10.22.08 - Scientists from the GES DISC participate in Aura Science Team meeting
Several scientists from the GES DISC - Suraiya Ahmad, James Johnson, Steve Kempler, Greg Leptoukh, Peter Smith, Young-In Won, Andrey Savtchenko, Steve, Lloyd, and Ana Prados - will participate in the Aura Science Team meeting in Columbia, Maryland, October 27-30, 2008.
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10.10.08 - GES DISC Staff at AIRS Science Team Meeting
GES DISC staff members Mike Theobald and Andrey Savtchenko will be presenting on GES DISC data operations and AIRS applications on the first day of the AIRS Science Team meeting, October 14, in Greenbelt, MD. Go to http://airs.jpl.nasa.gov/ for more information.
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09.30.08 - MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) data has moved
The MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) data at the GES DISC has been moved to the Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS) at this location: http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/data/MAS.html
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09.29.08 - NASA-developed S4PM 5.27.0 has just been released to the open source community
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) version 5.27.0 is now available to the open source community from SourceForge. Click the link to view the release notes.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC