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Local Government & Small Business Assistance Advisory Group

The public may participate at any location listed below.

January 16, 2009  - 10:00 a.m.

AQMD Headquarters - Conference Room GB
21865 Copley Dr., Diamond Bar CA

1 Call to Order/Opening Remarks Mayor Dennis Yates,
Committee Chair
2 Approval of December 12, 2008 Meeting Minutes
[Attachment 1 - Meeting Minutes]

Review of Follow-Up/Action Items

Mayor Dennis Yates

Pom Pom Ganguli
Asst. DEO/Public Advisor


Local Government & Small Business Assistance 2008 Accomplishments/2009 Goals & Objectives
[Attachment 2]

Staff will present the 2008 Accomplishments, as well as the proposed 2009 Goals & Objectives of the LGSBA Advisory Group. 

Pom Pom Ganguli


4 AQMD 2009 Legislative Goals & Objectives
[Attachment 3]

Staff will present the state and federal legislative goals and objectives for 2009, which were adopted by the AQMD Board.

Pom Pom Ganguli
5 Rule 1610 – Old Vehicle Scrapping   

Staff will provide an update on Rule 1610, including its 2008 rule amendment and new developments relating to its implementation program.  

David De Boer
Program Supervisor


6 Update on New International Maritime Organization Standards
[Attachment 4]

Staff will provide an update on the International Maritime Organization’s recent adoption of new marine vessel emissions and fuel standards.

Philip Crabbe III
Community Relations Manager


7 Monthly Report on Small Business Assistance Activities
[Attachment 5 – Informational Item]

Summary of assistance and outreach activities conducted by AQMD’s Small Business Assistance office for November 2008.

Pom Pom Ganguli


8 Update on Climate Change Activities [Attachment 6 – Written Report]

Staff will provide an update on activities in support of greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions and AB 32 implementation.

Jill Whynot
Director of Strategic Initiatives


Attachments will be available at the meeting.

Next Meeting:  February 13, 2009 - 10:00 a.m., Conference Room GB

Other Business
Any member of the committee, or its staff, on his or her own initiative or in response to questions posed by the public, may ask a question for clarification, make a brief announcement or report on his or her own activities, provide a reference to staff regarding factual information, request staff to report back at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or may take action to direct staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. (Govt. Code Section 54954.2)

Public Comment
Members of the public may address this body concerning any agenda item before or during consideration of that item (Govt. Code Section 54954.3(a)).  All agendas for regular meetings are posted at District Headquarters, 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, California, at least 72 hours in advance of a regular meeting.  At the end of the regular meeting agenda, an opportunity is also provided for the public to speak on any subject within Local Government and Small Business Assistance Committee’s authority.  Speakers may be limited to three (3) minutes each.

Document Availability
All documents (i) constituting non-exempt public records, (ii) relating to an item on an agenda for a regular meeting, and (iii) having been distributed to at least a majority of the Committee after the agenda is posted, are available prior to the meeting for public review at the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Public Information Center, 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765.

Americans with Disabilities Act
The agenda and documents in the agenda packet will be made available, upon request, in appropriate alternative formats to assist persons with a disability (Gov’t Code Section 54954.2(a)).  Disability-related accommodations will also be made available to allow participation in the Local Government and Small Business Assistance meeting.  Any accommodations must be requested as soon as practicable.  Requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible.  Please contact Lori Langrell at (909) 396-2530 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, or send the request to

For further information, please contact:  Lori Langrell, at (909) 396-2530


This page updated: January 13, 2009