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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
09.18.07 - A new HDF to NetCDF Conversion service is now available in Mirador
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09.05.07 - AIRS Data Product Information Updates
As of Aug 31 2007, GES DISC has a complete 5 year record of Collection 3 AIRS Level 1B, Level 2, and Level 3 data products. Collection 5 has succeeded Collection 3 as the AIRS baseline collection.
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08.31.07 - U.S. Naval Academy Giovanni Class Project
During the spring semester at the U.S. Naval Academy, midshipmen in the remote sensing class used Giovanni to perform analyses of oceanographic response to the Asian monsoon near Taiwan. Their results show one way that Giovanni visualizations can be used for oceanographic education.
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08.15.07 - GLDAS data now available from the Hydrology DISC (HDISC)
The Hydrology DISC supports data products generated by the Hydrological Sciences Branch, GSFC. The first product to be hosted is output from the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS).
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08.14.07 - First Hurricane of the season develops!
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08.14.07 - NASA-developed S4PM 5.23.0 has just been released to the open source community
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) version 5.23.0 is now available to the open source community from SourceForge.
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08.02.07 - NEESPI Giovanni 3.03 release available
New release of NEESPI Giovanni instance is now available. It includes following visualization functions: scatter plot, correlation and difference maps and time series. MODIS atmospheric parameters are updated to Version 5.
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07.31.07 - MLS 640 GHz Radiometer Problem
There is a problem with the Aura MLS 640 GHz radiometer. As a result data are not actually being retrieved for version 2 ML2BRO, ML2CLO, ML2HCL, ML2HO2, ML2HOCL and ML2N2O data products after July 14 ~04:00 UTC. Files are still being created however, but have the Status flag bit 0 set (i.e. odd...
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07.26.07 - Announcement for AIRS Version 5 Product Release
The AIRS Project and the GES DISC are pleased to announce the release of Collection 5 of the AIRS Data Products. Collection 5, derived from the AIRS Project's latest software release, Version 5, contains many additions and refinements over AIRS Collection 3 (Version 4) data products.
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07.10.07 - MODIS Vegetation Indices Product Released
The MODIS Vegetation Indices product, MODVI, presents gridded statistical summaries of standard 0.05 CMG MODIS Terra Vegetation Indices monthly MOD13C2. MODVI is created by UMD NEESPI partner team.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC