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Public Notices

Notices of Preparation

A notice of preparation (NOP) is a brief notice sent by the lead agency to notify the responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and involved federal agencies that the lead agency plans to prepare an EIR, or EA with significant impacts for the project.  The purpose of the notice is to solicit guidance from those agencies as to the scope and content of the environmental information to be included in the EIR or EA with significant impacts.  An Initial Study, or preliminary analysis, is prepared and traditionally accompanies the NOP.   The following NOPs are linked to the appropriate Initial Study



The NOP is not archived because the purpose of the NOP is to inform the public of the availability of a CEQA document for public review.  When the review period has ended and the document has been approved or incorporated into a subsequent document, the notice has served its notification purpose and is no longer necessary, thus, need not be archived.

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This page updated: April 30, 2009