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09.01.08 -- Gustav Makes Landfall and a New Storm Forms!
Hurricane Gustav makes Landfall this morning as a category 2 storm in Cocodrie, Louisiana. At around 11:00 am EST, Hurricane Gustav is continuely moving Northwest at 15 mph with a wind speed of 110 mph.The storm is located around 29.2 N, 90.8 W, with a pressure of 957 mb.

The storm surge is expected to be between 10 - 14 feet, but heavy rains is expected to be the main contributor to flooding with 10-20 inches. The arms of the storm still reach to about 75 miles from the center causing severe weather from Texas to Alabama and an increased number of tornados inland. With a mid-level ridge of pressure coming in from the East, the storm will be pushed on a continued track to the Northwest. The storm will begin to weaken after it moves further inland and away from the coastal region of Louisiana but still continues to pose a threat of rainfall and severe weather to Louisiana and Texas.

Tropical Storm Hanna, is moving West/Southwest at a much slower pace now to 5 mph with a wind speed of 60 mph. The storm is located at approximately 23.0N 72.9W, and with a central pressure of 994 mb. This storm is expected to continue on the same Northwest path towards the Southeast coast.

A new storm, Tropical Depression 9, has better formed located at approximately 39.5W 17.6N. This storm is expected to increase in intensity as it continues to move West at 16 mph. Right now the wind speed is measured to be 35 mph but should increase to a category 1, and be named Ike, as it comes closer to land.Tropical Depression 0should move in a Northwest track over the Greater Antilles towards the tip of Florida. This will be the next storm to keep an eye on.

The images below are generated using the GES DISC TOVAS visualization tool for TRMM 3B42RT data (http://disc2.nascom.nasa.gov/Giovanni/tovas/realtime.3B42RT.shtml), and RGB images using MODIS Terra.

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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:03 UTC