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Current Bibliographies in Medicine 98-1

Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury

January 1988 through August 1998, plus selected earlier citations

2563 Citations

Prepared by
Ronald L. Gordner, M.L.S., National Library of Medicine
Stephen M. Tuel, M.S.E., M.D., National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

1998 September

Public Health Service
National Institutes of Health

National Library of Medicine
Reference Section
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20894

Series Note

Each bibliography in the Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE®, AVLINE®, BIOETHICSLINE®, CANCERLIT®, CATLINE®, HEALTHSTARtm, POPLINEtm, and TOXLINE®. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered.

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Table of Contents

Series Note


Sample Citations



General Overview

Pediatric Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury

Rehabilitation in the Aged for Traumatic Brain Injury



Epidemiology and Etiology of Traumatic Brain Injury

Mortality in Traumatic Brain Injury

Prevention of Traumatic Brain Injury


Social Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury and Rehabilitation

Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Family and Caregivers

Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Education

Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Employment

Psychosocial Adjustment of Traumatic Brain Injury

Quality of Life in Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury Community Re-entry and Other Social Issues

Age and Gender Issues of Traumatic Brain Injury

Economic Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury

Ethical Issues of Traumatic Brain Injury

Medicolegal Issues of Traumatic Brain Injury


Biomechanics and Pathophysiology

Cellular Recovery and Neuronal Plasticity in Traumatic Brain Injury


Alzheimer's Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury

Other Memory Changes and Cognitive Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury

Behavioral Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury


Behavioral Therapies in Traumatic Brain Injury

Cognitive Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury

Compensatory Approaches and Remediation of Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Other Cognitive Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury

Computers, Software, and Technological Devices in Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Exercise and Movement Therapy in Traumatic Brain Injury

Pharmacotherapies in Traumatic Brain Injury

Psychotherapy and ArtsTherapies in Traumatic Brain Injury

Vocational Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury

Other Interventions and Therapies in Traumatic Brain Injury



General Medical Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury

Cardiovascular Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Coma and Vegetative State in Traumatic Brain Injury

Endocrine and Metabolic Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Fever in Traumatic Brain Injury

Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Immune Functions and Infectious Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury

Musculoskeletal Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Neurological and Motor Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Nutritional Manifestations and Therapies of Traumatic Brain Injury

Ophthalmological and Vision Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Oral and Dental Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Pain in Traumatic Brain Injury

Psychiatric Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Pulmonary Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Sensory, Perceptual, and Spatial Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Sexuality Issues and Sexual Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury

Speech, Hearing, and Language Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

Substance Abuse in Traumatic Brain Injury

Vestibular and Balance Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury

Other Medical Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury


Overview of Interdisciplinary Treatment Models for Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Intensive Care Unit/Acute Neurological Setting Models forTraumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

Post Acute Outpatient of Day Care Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

Post Acute Residential Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

Vocational and Cognitive Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

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Each year in the United States an estimated 1.5 to 2 million people incur traumatic brain injury (TBI), defined as brain damage from externally-inflicted trauma to the head. In up to 90,000 of these individuals, the TBI is so severe that that they are left with irreversible, debilitating losses of functioning--physical, cognitive, and psychosocial. TBI strikes people across the age range, principally from automobile crashes, sports accidents, falls, and acts of violence. The number of people surviving TBI has increased significantly in recent years because of more effective emergency care, transportation to specialized treatment facilities, and acute medical management, but TBI is the leading cause of disability among children and young adults.

Although TBI can cause chronic physical impairments, often the individual has more disability due to problems with cognition, emotional functioning, and behavior in connection with interpersonal relationships, school, or work. The result is frequently a dramatic change in the individual's life-course, profound disruption of the family, and huge medical and related expenses over a lifetime. Rehabilitation efforts can require years of treatment, starting in the hospital and extending through formal inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation to a variety of day treatment or residential programs.

Less severe injuries, sometimes called mild TBI, may cause functional problems that become evident only in particular circumstances. Emotional stress, fatigue, complex environments, and new situations can overwhelm the coping ability of the person with TBI, leading to an inability to function appropriately. Often these episodic or situational problems are difficult to evaluate, and the rehabilitation of mild TBI is especially challenging.

The following bibliography was produced in support of the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on Rehabilitation of Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury, which was initiated by the Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 1996 and held in Bethesda, Maryland, on October 26-28, 1998. The purpose of the consensus conference was to reach an agreement on the following questions: what is the epidemiology of TBI in the United States, and what are its implications for rehabilitation; what are the consequences of TBI in terms of pathophysiology, impairments, functional limitations, disabilities, societal limitations, and economic impact; what is known about mechanisms underlying functional recovery following TBI and what are the implications for rehabilitation; what are the common therapeutic interventions for the cognitive and behavioral sequelae of TBI, what is their scientific basis, and how effective are they; and what are common models of comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary rehabilitation for people with TBI, what is their scientific basis, and what is known about their short-term and long-term outcomes? Based on the answers to these questions, what can be recommended regarding rehabilitation practices for people with TBI; and what research is needed to guide the rehabilitation of people with TBI?

The bibliography includes references that provide background for the main topics of the Conference agenda and other areas of interest that may include some acute care references that determine rehabilitaton outcomes. Included are selected English language journal articles, books, book chapters, and technical reports primarily ranging from January 1988 through August 1998. Some categories such as Biomechanics and Pathophysiology of Traumatic Brain Injury and Recovery include animal studies and older selected references. References within each subject category are listed alphabetically by author, and citations may be indexed to more than one category. The section on Interdisciplinary Treatment Models also contains references dealing with program evaluation, standards, and treatment protocols.

The compilers wish to thank panel members of the Consensus Development Conference on Rehabilitation of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury who reviewed citations or provided additional citations for the bibliography.

Any reproductions of this bibliography, in whole or in part, must include all credits. If you wish to cite this bibliography, the correct format is:
Gordner, Ronald L.; Tuel, Stephen M., compilers. Rehabilitation of persons with traumatic brain injury [bibliography online]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine; 1998 Sep. (Current bibliographies in medicine; no. 98-1). 2563 citations from January 1988 through August 1998, plus selected earlier citations. Available from: URL

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Sample Citations

Citations are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus ®. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation.

Journal Article:

Malec JF, Basford JS. Post acute brain injury rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996 Feb;77(2):198-207.

Order, with separating punctuation:
Authors. Article Title. Abbreviated Journal Title Date;Volume(Issue):Pages.


Horn LJ, Zasler ND, eds. Medical rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus; 1996. 642 p.

Order, with separating punctuation:
Authors/Editors. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher; Date. Total No. of Pages.

For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication:
Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB91-182030.

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General Overview

Adams HR. Systematic care for persons with brain injury. A place for case management. J Insur Med 1991 Winter;23(4):223-6.

Ansell BJ. Slow-to-recover brain-injured patients: rationale for treatment. J Speech Hear Res 1991 Oct;34(5):1017-22.

Ashley MJ, Krych DK. Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 1995. 427 p.

Bach-y-Rita P. Traumatic brain injury. New York: Demos; 1989. 331 p. (Comprehensive neurologic rehabilitation; vol. 2).

Bellenir K. Head trauma sourcebook: basic information for the layperson about open-head and closed-head injuries, treatment advances, recovery, and rehabilitation, along with reports on current research initiatives. Detroit: Omnigraphics; 1997. 414 p. (Health reference series; vol. 23).

Berker E. Diagnosis, physiology, pathology and rehabilitation of traumatic brain injuries. Int J Neurosci 1996 Apr;85(3-4):195-220.

Bernad PG. Closed-head injury: a clinical source book. Charlottesville (VA): Michie Co.; 1994. 398 p.

Bontke CF, Boake C. Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. Neurosurg Clin N Am 1991 Apr;2(2):473-82.

Bottcher SA. Cognitive retraining. A nursing approach to rehabilitation of the brain injured. Nurs Clin North Am 1989 Mar;24(1):193-208.

Brandstater ME, Bontke CF, Cobble ND, Horn LJ. Rehabilitation in brain disorders. 4. Specific disorders. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Mar;72(4-S):S332-40.

Burke DC. Models of brain injury rehabilitation. Brain Inj 1995 Oct;9(7):735-43.

Chestnut RM, Carney N, Maynard, Patterson P, Mann NC, Helfand M (Oregon Health Sciences University PO. Evidence report on rehabilitation of persons with traumatic brain injury. Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; 1998. Contract No.: AHCPR 290-97-0018.

Condeluci A. Brain injury rehabilitation: the need to bridge paradigms. Brain Inj 1992 Nov-Dec;6(6):543-51.

Cooper PR. Head injury. 3rd ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1993. 590 p.

Cope DN. The effectiveness of traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: a review. Brain Inj 1995 Oct;9(7):649-70.

Cope DN, Cole JR, Hall KM, Barkan H. Brain injury: analysis of outcome in a post-acute rehabilitation system. Part 1: General analysis. Brain Inj 1991 Apr-Jun;5(2):111-25. Comment in: Brain Inj 1991 Apr-Jun;5(2):103-9.

Cope DN, Cole JR, Hall KM, Barkan H. Brain injury: analysis of outcome in a post-acute rehabilitation system. Part 2: Subanalyses. Brain Inj 1991 Apr-Jun;5(2):127-39. Comment in: Brain Inj 1991 Apr-Jun;5(2):103-9.

Current trends in the treatment of the head injured patient. Occup Ther Health Care 1995;9(1):1-86.

Davies PM. Starting again: early rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury or other severe brain lesion. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1994. 442 p.

Davis CH, Fardanesh L, Rubner D, Wanlass RL, McDonald CM. Profiles of functional recovery in fifty traumatically brain-injured patients after acute rehabilitation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1997 May-Jun;76(3):213-8.

Deelman BG, Saan RJ, van Zomeren AH. Traumatic brain injury: clinical, social, and rehabilitational aspects. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger; 1990. 168 p.

Dimitrijevic MR. Head injuries and restorative neurology. Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl 1988;17:9-13.

Dimitrijevic MR. Restorative neurology of head injury. J Neurotrauma 1989 Summer;6(1):25-9.

Direnfeld G. The quagmire of receiving private rehabilitation services: concerns and solutions. J Cognit Rehabil 1995 Mar-Apr;13(2):12-3.

Direnfeld G . Traumatic brain injury and case management. Cognit Rehabil 1990 Sep-Oct;8(5):20-4.

Dixon TP, Goll S, Stanton KM. Case management issues and practices in head injury rehabilitation. Special Issue: Traumatic brain injury. Rehabil Couns Bull 1988 Jun;31(4):325-43.

Do HK, Sahagian DA, Schuster LC, Sheridan SE. Head trauma rehabilitation: program evaluation. Rehabil Nurs 1988 Mar-Apr;13(2):71-5.

Dobkin BH. Neurologic rehabilitation. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis; 1996. 338 p. (Contemporary neurology series; 47).

Dombovy ML, Olek AC. Recovery and rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj 1997 May;11(5):305-18.

Durgin CJ, Schmidt ND, Fryer LJ. Staff development and clinical intervention in brain injury rehabilitation. Gaithersburg (MD): Aspen Publishers; 1993. 382 p.

Evans RW, Ruff RM. Outcome and value: a perspective on rehabilitation outcomes achieved in acquired brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1992 Dec;7(4):24-36.

Evans RW, Watke M. Catastrophic neurologic injury: improving outcomes through case management. Case Manag 1995 Jul-Sep;6(3):83-5, 87-8.

Finlayson MA, Garner SH. Brain injury rehabilitation: clinical considerations. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1994. 437 p. (Rehabilitation medicine library).

Finset A. Subacute brain injury rehabilitation: a program description and a study of staff program evaluation. Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl 1992;26:25-33.

Fussey I, Giles GM. Rehabilitation of the severely brain-injured adult: a practical approach. London: Croom Helm; 1988. 223 p. (Therapy in practice series).

Garner R. Acute head injury: practical management in rehabilitation. New York: Chapman and Hall; 1990. 137 p. (Therapy in practice series; 13).

General Accounting Office (US). Traumatic brain injury. Programs supporting long-term services in selected states; report to Congressional requesters. Washington (DC): The Office; 1998 Feb. 23 p.

Gianutsos R. Cognitive rehabilitation: a neuropsychological speciality comes of age. Brain Inj 1991 Oct-Dec;5(4):353-68.

Giles GM. Special issue on brain injury rehabilitation. Am J Occup Ther 1994 Mar;48(3):199-273.

Giles GM. The status of brain injury rehabilitation. Am J Occup Ther 1994 Mar;48(3):199-205.

Giles GM, Clark-Wilson J. Brain injury rehabilitation: a neurofunctional approach. New York: Chapman & Hall ; 1993. 437 p. (Therapy in practice series; 33).

Gillis RJ, McHenry M, Pierce JN. Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation for speech-language pathologists. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1996. 342 p.

Green BS, Stevens KM, Wolfe TD. Mild traumatic brain injury: a therapy and resource manual. San Diego: Singular; 1997. 260 p. (Neurogenic communication disorders series).

Hall KM, Cope DN. The benefit of rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury: a literature review. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1995 Feb;10(1):1-13.

Hall KM, Johnston MV. Outcomes evaluation in TBI Rehabilitation. Part II: measurement tools for a nationwide data system. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994 Dec;75(12 Spec No):SC10-8; discussion SC 27-8.

Hall KM, Wallbom AS, Englander J. Premorbid history and traumatic brain injury. Neurorehabilitation 1998 Jan;10(1):3-12.

High WM Jr, Gordon WA, Lehmkuhl LD, Newton CN, Vandergoot D, Thoi L, Courtney L. Productivity and service utilization following traumatic brain injury: results of a survey by the RSA regional TBI centers. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1995 Aug;10(4):64-80.

Higham PE, Phelps K. Careers of care: survivors of traumatic brain injury and the response of health and social care. Brookfield (VT): Ashgate Publishing Company; 1998. 289 p.

Hook O. Head injury. Integrated rehabilitation approach, optimal adaptation to disability. Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl 1988;17:65-74.

Horn LJ, Zasler ND. Medical rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus; 1996. 642 p.

Johnson DA, Rose FD, Rushton S, Pentland B, Attree EA. Virtual reality: a new prosthesis for brain injury rehabilitation. Scott Med J 1998 Jun;43(3):81-3.

Johnson JA, Krefting LH. Occupational therapy approaches to traumatic brain injury. New York: Haworth Press; 1990. 137 p. (Occupational therapy in health care; vol. 7, no. 1).

Johnston MV, Hall KM. Outcomes evaluation in TBI Rehabilitation. Part I: overview and system principles. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994 Dec;75(12 Spec No):SC1-9; discussion SC27-8.

Jones ML, Evans RW. Outcome validation in post-acute rehabilitation: trends and correlates in treatment and outcome. J Insur Med 1992 Fall;24(3):186-92.

Katz DI, Alexander MP. Traumatic brain injury. Predicting course of recovery and outcome for patients admitted to rehabilitation. Arch Neurol 1994 Jul;51(7):661-70.

Klonoff PS, Lamb DG, Henderson SW, Shepherd J. Outcome assessment after milieu-oriented rehabilitation: new considerations. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998 Jun;79(6):684-90.

Kushner D. Mild traumatic brain injury: toward understanding manifestations and treatment. Arch Intern Med 1998 Aug 10-24;158(15):1617-24.

Lang GE. Quality benchmarks for brain injury rehabilitation services. Rehabil Nurs 1995 Nov-Dec;20(6):310-3.

Levin HS. Head injury and its rehabilitation. Curr Opin Neurol Neurosurg 1992 Oct;5(5):673-6.

Levin HS. Neuropsychological rehabilitation of head injured patients: an appraisal of recent progress. Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl 1992;26:14-24.

Long CJ, Ross LK. Handbook of head trauma: acute care to recovery. New York: Plenum Press; 1992. 442 p. (Critical issues in neuropsychology).

Mackay LE, Chapman PE, Morgan A. Maximizing brain injury recovery: integrating critical care and early rehabilitation. Gaithersburg (MD): Aspen Publishers; 1997. 621 p.

Malec JF, Basford JS. Postacute brain injury rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996 Feb;77(2):198-207.

Mandel S, Sataloff RT, Schapiro SR. Minor head trauma: assessment, management, and rehabilitaion. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1993. 347 p.

Marks PV, Lavy CB. A practical guide to head injury management. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1992. 151 p.

Marmarou A. Conduct of head injury trials in the United States: the American Brain Injury Consortium (ABIC). Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien) 1996;66:118-21.

Mazmanian PE, Kreutzer JS, Devany CW, Martin KO. A survey of accredited and other rehabilitation facilities: education, training and cognitive rehabilitation in brain-injury programmes. Brain Inj 1993 Jul-Aug;7(4):319-31.

McGregor K, Pentland B. Head injury rehabilitation in the U.K.: an economic perspective. Soc Sci Med 1997 Jul;45(2):295-303.

McMahon BT, Shaw LR. Work worth doing: advances in brain injury rehabilitation. Orlando (FL): Paul M. Deutsch Press; 1991. 412 p.

McMordie WR, Rogers KF, Barker SL. Consumer satisfaction with services provided to head-injured patients and their families. Brain Inj 1991 Jan-Mar;5(1):43-51.

Melvin JL, Graham P, Grahame L, Olsen J. Traumatic brain injury. Rehab Manage Int 1997 Fall;7(1):32, 34-5.

Monitor rehabilitation teams to ensure highest quality for head-injured clients. Case Manag Advis 1992 May;3(5):65-8.

Montgomery J. Physical therapy for traumatic brain injury. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1995. 219 p. (Clinics in physical therapy).

Morgan AS. Traumatic brain injury: improving functional recovery. J Natl Med Assoc 1989 Nov;81(11):1133-7.

Mozzoni P, Bailey JS. Improving training methods in brain injury rehabilitation. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1996 Feb;11(1):1-17.

Murer CG. International issues in brain injury: social, cultural, and epidemiological differences are reflected in approaches to head trauma worldwide. Rehab Manage 1994 Dec-Jan;7(1):100-1.

O'Hara CC, Harrell M. Rehabilitation with brain injury survivors: an empowerment approach. Gaithersburg (MD): Aspen Publishers; 1991. 491 p.

Olver JH, Ponsford JL, Curran CA. Outcome following traumatic brain injury: a comparison between 2 and 5 years after injury. Brain Inj 1996 Nov;10(11):841-8.

Plummer JK. Ethical considerations in brain injury rehabilitation: applications to mild traumatic brain injury. HEC Forum 1995 Mar-May;7(2-3):166-82.

Radomski MV. Occupational therapy practice guidelines for adults with traumatic injury. [Bethesda (MD)]: American Occupational Therapy Association; 1996. 19 p. (Practice guidelines series).

Reilly P, Bullock R. Head injury: pathophysiology and management of severe closed injury. New York: Chapman & Hall Medical; 1997. 478 p.

Rosenthal M. Rehabilitation of the adult and child with traumatic brain injury. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Davis; 1990. 652 p.

Sbordone RJ, Liter JC, Pettler-Jennings P. Recovery of function following severe traumatic brain injury: a retrospective 10-year follow-up. Brain Inj 1995 Apr;9(3):285-99.

Schmidt ND. Outcome-oriented rehabilitation: a response to managed care. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1997 Feb;12(1):44-50.

Semlyen JK, Summers SJ, Barnes MP. Traumatic brain injury: efficacy of multidisciplinary rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998 Jun;79(6):678-83.

Spettell CM, Ellis DW, Ross SE, Sandel ME, O'Malley KF, Stein SC, Spivack G, Hurley KE. Time of rehabilitation admission and severity of trauma: effect on brain injury outcome. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991 Apr;72(5):320-5.

Standards for the NSW Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program. Zetland (NSW, Australia): Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Ltd.; 1992. 27 p.

Stonnington HH. Post-acute management of head injuries. Va Med Q 1991 Summer;118(3):159-61, 164-5.

Stover S . (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alabama Medical Center, Birmingham, AL). Development of an outcome oriented head injury database at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Final report. Washington (DC): National Center for Injury Prevention and Control and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; 1993.

Teasdale GM, Pettigrew LE, Wilson JT, Murray G, Jennett B. Analyzing outcome of treatment of severe head injury: a review and update on advancing the use of the Glasgow Outcome Scale. J Neurotrauma 1998 Aug;15(8):587-97.

Traumatic brain injury facts and figures. Detroit: Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Data Center. Vol. 1, 1996--.

Uzzell BP, Stonnington HH. Recovery after traumatic brain injury. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1996. 347 p.

Vinken PJ, Bruyn GW, Klawans HL, Braakman R. Head injury. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers; 1990. 526 p. (Handbook of clinical neurology; vol. 57).

Wall JR, Rosenthal M, Niemczura JG. Community-based training after acquired brain injury: preliminary findings. Brain Inj 1998 Mar;12(3):215-24.

Wesolowski MD, Zencius AH. A practical guide to head injury rehabilitation: a focus on postacute residential treatment. New York: Plenum Press; 1994. 239 p. (Critical issues in neuropsychology series).

Weight DG. Minor head trauma. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1998 Sep;21(3):609-24.

Wilson BA. Cognitive rehabilitation: how it is and how it might be. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 1997 Sep;3(5):487-96.

Wood RL. Brain injury rehabilitation: a neurobehavioural approach. London: Croom Helm; 1987. 196 p.

Wood RL, Eames P. Models of brain injury rehabilitation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1989. 242 p. (The Johns Hopkins series in contemporary medicine and public health).

Yuen HK, Benzing P. Treatment methodology. Guiding of behaviour through redirection in brain injury rehabilitation. Brain Inj 1996 Mar;10(3):229-38.

Zasler ND. Advances in neuropharmacological rehabilitation for brain dysfunction. Brain Inj 1992 Jan-Feb;6(1):1-14.

Zasler ND. TBI rehabilitation program assessment: putting a yardstick to quality and efficacy. Contin Care 1994 May;13(4):30-4, 36, 50.

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Pediatric Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury

Appleton R. Head injury rehabilitation for children. Nurs Times 1994 Jun 1-7;90(22):29-31.

Banja JD, Jann BB. Ethical issues in treating pediatric rehabilitation patients. Neurorehabilitation 1995 Summer;3(3):44-52.

Begali V. Head injury in children and adolescents: a resource and review for school and allied professionals. 2nd ed. Brandon (VT): Clinical Psychology Pub. Co.; 1992. 260 p.

Berger E, Worgotter G, Oppolzer A, Kessler J, Vavrik K, Fiala S. Neurological rehabilitation in children and adolescents. Pediatr Rehabil 1997 Oct-Dec;1(4):229-33.

Blendonohy PM, Philip PA. Precocious puberty in children after traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj 1991 Jan-Mar;5(1):63-8.

Blosser J, DePompei R. Pediatric traumatic brain injury: proactive intervention. San Diego (CA): Singular Pub.; 1994. 266 p. (Neurogenic communication disorders series).

Brett AW, Laatsch L. Cognitive rehabilitation therapy of brain-injured students in a public high school setting. Pediatr Rehabil 1998 Jan-Mar;2(1):27-31.

Broman SH, Michel ME. Traumatic head injury in children. New York: Oxford University Press; 1995. 299 p.

Bryan MR. The pre-school child sustains a traumatic brain injury: developmental and learning issues. Neurorehabilitation 1995 Oct;5(4):323-30.

Burke WH, Wesolowski MD, Buyer DM, Zawlocki RJ. The rehabilitation of adolescents with traumatic brain injury: outcome and follow-up. Brain Inj 1990 Oct-Dec;4(4):371-8.

Chapman SB, Levin HS, Wanek A, Weyrauch J, Kufera J. Discourse after closed head injury in young children. Brain Lang 1998 Feb 15;61(3):420-49.

Clark E. Children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury: reintegration challenges in educational settings. J Learn Disabil 1996 Sep;29(5):549-60.

Cockrell J. Pediatric brain injury rehabilitation. In: Horn LJ, Zasler ND, eds. Medical rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus; 1996. p. 171-96.

Deaton AV, Metzger S, Wheeler AM. Agitation in pediatric brain injury: a useful communication or a hurdle to overcome? Neurorehabilitation 1995 Oct;5(4):317-21.

Dennis M, Barnes MA, Wilkinson M, Humphreys RP. How children with head injury represent real and deceptive emotion in short narratives. Brain Lang 1998 Feb 15;61(3):450-83.

Di Scala C, Grant CC, Brooke MM, Gans BM. Functional outcome in children with traumatic brain injury. Agreement between clinical judgment and the functional independence measure. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1992 Jun;71(3):145-8.

Donders J, Strom D. The effect of traumatic brain injury on children with learning disability. Pediatr Rehabil 1997 Jul-Sep;1(3):179-84.

Emanuelson I, von Wendt L, Lundalv E, Larsson J. Rehabilitation and follow-up of children with severe traumatic brain injury. Childs Nerv Syst 1996 Aug;12(8):460-5.

Farmer JE, Clippard DS, Luehr-Wiemann Y, Wright E, Owings S. Assessing children with traumatic brain injury during rehabilitation: promoting school and community reentry. J Learn Disabil 1996 Sep;29(5):532-48.

Glass P, Bulas DI, Wagner AE, Rajasingham SR, Civitello LA, Coffman CE. Pattern of neuropsychological deficit at age five years following neonatal unilateral brain injury. Brain Lang 1998 Jul;63(3):346-56.

Greenspan AI. Functional recovery following head injury among children. Curr Probl Pediatr 1996 May-Jun;26(5):170-7.

Greenspan AI, MacKenzie EJ. Functional outcome after pediatric head injury. Pediatrics 1994 Oct;94(4 Pt 1):425-32.

Hall DM, Johnson SL, Middleton J. Rehabilitation of head injured children. Arch Dis Child 1990 May;65(5):553-6.

Hallett TL. Linguistic competence in paediatric closed head injury. Pediatr Rehabil 1997 Oct-Dec;1(4):219-28.

Hornyak JE, Nelson VS, Hurvitz EA. The use of methylphenidate in paediatric traumatic brain injury. Pediatr Rehabil 1997 Jan-Mar;1(1):15-7.

Jaffe KM, Polissar NL, Fay GC, Liao S. Recovery trends over three years following pediatric traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995 Jan;76(1):17-26.

Kuyper M, van Tol de Jager M, Post MW, Gerritsen J. Functional health status of rehabilitated adolescents with traumatic brain injury measured by the SIP68. J Rehabil Sci 1996;9(4):117-21.

Lash M, Scarpino C. School reintegration for children with traumatic brain injuries: conflicts between medical and educational systems. Neurorehabilitation 1995 Summer;3(3):13-25.

Massagli TL, Jaffe KM. Pediatric traumatic brain injury: prognosis and rehabilitation. Pediatr Ann 1994 Jan;23(1):29-30, 33-6.

Max JE, Arndt S, Castillo CS, Bokura H, Robin DA, Lindgren SD, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Mattheis PJ. Attention-deficit hyperactivity symptomatology after traumatic brain injury: a prospective study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1998 Aug;37(8):841-7.

Max JE, Koele SL, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Lindgren SD, Robin DA, Arndt S. Psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents after severe traumatic brain injury: a controlled study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 1998 Aug;37(8):832-40.

Mira MP, Tucker BF, Tyler JS. Traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: a sourcebook for teachers and other school personnel. Austin (TX): Pro-Ed; 1992. 137 p.

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Rehabilitation in the Aged for Traumatic Brain Injury

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Mortality in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Prevention of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Social Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury and Rehabilitation

Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Family and Caregivers

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Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Education

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Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury on Employment

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Psychosocial Adjustment of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Quality of Life in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Traumatic Brain Injury Community Re-entry and Other Social Issues

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Economic Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Ethical Issues of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Medicolegal Issues of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Biomechanics and Pathophysiology

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Cellular Recovery and Neuronal Plasticity in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Alzheimer's Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury

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Other Memory Changes and Cognitive Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Behavioral Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Behavioral Therapies in Traumatic Brain Injury

Alderman N. Central executive deficit and response to operant conditioning methods. Neuropsychol Rehabil 1996 Jul;6(3):161-86.

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Cognitive Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury

Compensatory Approaches and Remediation of Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Beatty WW, Scott JG, Moreland VJ, Rankin EJ. Head injury effects on a new measure of remote memory: the Famous Tunes Test. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1995 Jun;10(3):59-66 .

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Cotman A, Sandman C. Cognitive deficits and their remediation in the homeless. J Cognit Rehabil 1997 Jan-Feb;15(1):16-23 .

Cowley BJ, Green G, Braunling-McMorrow D. Using stimulus equivalence procedures to teach name-face matching to adults with brain injuries. J Appl Behav Anal 1992 Summer;25(2):461-75.

Crosson B, Barco PP, Velozo CA, Bolesta MM, Cooper PV, Werts D, Brobeck TC. Awareness and compensation in postacute head injury rehabilitation. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1989 Sep;4(3):46-54 .

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Johnson P, Thomas Stonell N, Shein F. Development of a computer-based program for the remediation of cognitive-communication skills in young people with head injuries. J Cognit Rehabil 1994 Jul-Aug;12(4):10-6 .

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Raskin SA, Sohlberg MM. The efficacy of prospective memory training in two adults with brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1996 Jun;11(3):32-51 .

Raymond MJ, Bewick KC, Malia KB, Bennett TL. A comprehensive approach to memory rehabilitation following brain injury. J Cognit Rehabil 1996 Nov-Dec;14(6):18-23 .

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Other Cognitive Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury

Abreu BC, Toglia JP. Cognitive rehabilitation: a model for occupational therapy. Am J Occup Ther 1987 Jul;41(7):439-48 .

Adamovich BB, Henderson JA, Auerbach S. Cognitive rehabilitation of closed head injured patients: a dynamic approach. Austin (TX): PRO-ED; 1991.

Alderman N. Central executive deficit and response to operant conditioning methods. Neuropsychol Rehabil 1996 Jul;6(3):161-86.

Annoni JM, Jenkins DG, Williams J. Four case reports illustrating the contribution of intensive cognitive rehabilitation in patients neuropsychologically handicapped as a result of brain damage. Disabil Rehabil 1995 Nov-Dec;17(8):449-55.

Ansell BJ. Slow-to-recover patients: improvement to rehabilitation readiness. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1993 Sep;8(3):88-98 .

Ashley MJ KDe. Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. Boca Raton (FL).

Ashley MJ, Krych DK. Cognitive disorders: diagnosis and treatment in the TBI patient. In: Ashley MJ, Krych DK, eds. Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 1995. p. 289-318.

Bergquist TF, Malec JF. Psychology: current practice and training issues in treatment of cognitive dysfunction. Neurorehabilitation 8/1 (49-56). 1997 1997 Jan;8(1):49-56.

Bewick KC, Raymond MJ, Malia KB, Bennett TL. Metacognition as the ultimate executive: techniques and tasks to facilitate executive functions. Neurorehabilitation 1995 Oct;5(4):367-75.

Boake C. A history of cognitive rehabilitation of head-injured patients, 1915 to 1980. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1989 Sep;4(3):1-8.

Bracy OL. Cognitive functioning and rehabilitation. J Cognit Rehabil 1994 Mar-Apr ;12(2):12-6.

Bracy OL 3rd. To do therapy or not do therapy -- that is part of the question. J Cognit Rehabil 1994 Jul-Aug ;12(4):2-3.

Bradley VA, Welch JL, Skilbeck CE e. Cognitive retraining using microcomputers. Hove (UK): L. Erlbaum Associates; 1993. 266 p.

Christensen AL, Uzzell BP. Brain injury and neuropsychological rehabilitation: international perspectives. Hillsdale (NJ): Lawrence Erhlbaum Associates; 1994. 341 p.

Cicerone KD. Cognitive rehabilitation: learning from experience and planning ahead. Neurorehabilitation 1997 Jan;8(1):13-9.

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DiCesare A, Parente R, Anderson Parente J. Personality change after traumatic brain injury: problems and solutions. Cognit Rehabil 1990 Mar-Apr;8(2):14-8 .

Direnfeld G. Brain injury: reweaving the spider's web. J Cognit Rehabil 1996 Sep-Oct;14(5):6-7.

Doman G, Wilkinson R, Dimancescu MD, Pelligra R. The effect of intense multi-sensory stimulation on coma arousal and recovery. Special Issue: Coma and the persistent vegetative state. Neuropsychol Rehabil 1993;3(2):203-12.

Dombovy ML, Olek AC. Recovery and rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj 1997 May;11(5):305-18.

Dougherty PM, Randomski MV. The cognitive rehabilitation workbook: a dynamic assessment approach for adults with brain injury. 2nd ed. Gaithersburg (MD): Aspen Publishers; 1993. 321 p.

Fluharty G, Sellon C, Glassman N. Optimizing outcome through cognitive therapy and advocacy: a case study. Brain Inj 1994 Nov-Dec;8(8):729-34.

Fryer LJ, Haffey WJ. Cognitive rehabilitation and community readaptation: outcomes from two program models. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1987 Sep;2(3):51-63 .

Gianutsos R. The computer in cognitive rehabilitation: it's not just a tool anymore. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1992 Sep;7(3):26-35 .

Glisky EL, Delaney SM. Implicit memory and new semantic learning in posttraumatic amnesia. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1996 Apr;11(2):31-42.

Goodwin RE, Bolton DP. Decision-making in cognitive rehabilitation: a clinical model. Cognit Rehabil 1991 Jul-Aug;9(4):12-9 .

Guiilmette TJ. Pocket guide to brain injury, cognitive, and neurobehavioral rehabilitation. San Diego (CA): Singular Pub. Group; 1997. 263 p.

Haffey WJ. The assessment of clinical competency to consent to medical rehabilitative interventions. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1989 Mar;4(1):43-56.

Hartley LL. Cognitive-communicative abilities following brain injury: a functional approach. San Diego (CA): Singular Pub. Group; 1995. 289 p.

Herrmann D, Parente R. The multimodal approach to cognitive rehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation 1994 Jul;4(3):133-42.

Iacarino J. The speech-language pathologist on the cognitive rehabilitation team:current training and practice issues. Neurorehabilitation 1997 Jan;8(1):43-8.

Kay T. Neuropsychological treatment of mild traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1993 Sep;8(3):74-85.

Kirsch NL, Levine SP. Technology and head injury rehabilitation. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1992 Sep;7(3):vii-119.

Kreutzer JS, Wehman P. Cognitive rehabilitation for persons with traumatic brain injury. Bisbee (AZ): Imaginart; 1996. 299 p.

Laatsch L. Benefits of integrating cognitive rehabilitation and psychotherapy in treatment of clients with neuropsychological impairments. J Cognit Rehabil 1996 Mar-Apr;14(2):18-22 .

Lamport Hughes N. Learning potential and other predictors of cognitive rehabilitation. J Cognit Rehabil 1995 Jul-Aug;13(4):16-21 .

Leon Carrion J e. Neuropsychological rehabilitation: fundamentals, innovations, and directions. Delray Beach (FL): GR/St. Lucie Press; 1997. 568 p.

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Mazmanian PE. Cognitive rehabilitation: theory and informed practice. Neurorehabilitation 1991 Aug;1(3):86-9.

Morse PA, Morse AR. Functional living skills: Promoting the interaction between neuropsychology and occupational therapy. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1988 Mar; Vol 3(1):33-44.

Parente R, Twum M, Zoltan B. Transfer and generalization of cognitive skill after traumatic brain injury. Neurorehabilitation 1994 Jan;4(1):25-35.

Parker RS. Neurobehavioral outcome of children's mild traumatic brain injury. Semin Neurol 1994 Mar;14(1):67-73.

Pepin M, Loranger M, Benoit G. Efficiency of cognitive training: review and prospects. J Cognit Rehabil 1995 Jul-Aug;13(4):8-14 .

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Prigatano GP. Learning from our successes and failures: reflections and comments on "Cognitive rehabilitation: how it is and how it might be". J Int Neuropsychol Soc 1997 Sep;3(5):497-9; discussion 500.

Purdy M, Neri L. Computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation in the home. Cognit Rehabil 1989 Nov-Dec;7(6):34-8 .

Ruff RM, Baser CA, Johnston JW, Marshall LF, Klauber SK, Klauber MR, Minteer M. Neuropsychological rehabilitation: an experimental study with head-injured patients. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1989 Sep;4(3):20-36.

Ruff RM, Niemann H. Cognitive rehabilitation versus day treatment in head-injured adults: is there an impact on emotional and psychosocial adjustment? Brain Inj 1990 Oct-Dec;4(4):339-47.

Sbordone RJ. Assessment and treatment of cognitive-communicative impairments in the closed-head-injury patient: A neurobehavioral-systems approach. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1988 Jun;3(2):55-62.

Schwartz SM. Adults with traumatic brain injury: three case studies of cognitive rehabilitation in the home setting. Am J Occup Ther 1995 Jul-Aug;49(7):655-67.

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Computers, Software, and Technological Devices in Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Ackerman RJ, Banks ME. Computers and ethical treatment for brain-injured patients. Soc Sci Comput Rev 1990 Spring;8(1):83-95.

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Exercise and Movement Therapy in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Pharmacotherapies in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Psychotherapy and ArtsTherapies in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Vocational Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury

Abrams D, Barker LT, Haffey W, Nelson H. The economics of return to work for survivors of traumatic brain injury: vocational services are worth the investment. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1993 Dec;8(4):59-76 .

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Other Interventions and Therapies in Traumatic Brain Injury

Baker-Price LA, Persinger MA. Weak, but complex pulsed magnetic fields may reduce depression following traumatic brain injury. Percept Mot Skills 1996 Oct;83(2):491-8.

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Ylvisaker M. Communication outcome in children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury. Special Issue: Issues in the neuropsychological rehabilitation of children with brain dysfunction. Neuropsychol Rehabil 1993;3(4):367-87.

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General Medical Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Cardiovascular Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Coma and Vegetative State in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Endocrine and Metabolic Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Fever in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Immune Functions and Infectious Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Musculoskeletal Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Neurological and Motor Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Nutritional Manifestations and Therapies of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Ophthalmological and Vision Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Oral and Dental Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Pain in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Psychiatric Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Sensory, Perceptual, and Spatial Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Sexuality Issues and Sexual Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Speech, Hearing, and Language Manifestations of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Substance Abuse in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Vestibular and Balance Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury

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Other Medical Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury

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Overview of Interdisciplinary Treatment Models for Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation

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Intensive Care Unit/Acute Neurological Setting Models forTraumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation

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Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

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Post Acute Outpatient of Day Care Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

Asikainen I, Kaste M, Sarna S. Patients with traumatic brain injury referred to a rehabilitation and re-employment programme: social and professional outcome for 508 Finnish patients 5 or more years after injury. Brain Inj 1996 Dec;10(12):883-99.

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Post Acute Residential Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

Blackerby WF, Baumgarten A. A model treatment program for the head-injured substance abuser: preliminary findings. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1990 Sep;5(3):47-59.

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Vocational and Cognitive Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

Abreu BC, Toglia JP. Cognitive rehabilitation: a model for occupational therapy. Am J Occup Ther 1987 Jul;41(7):439-48.

Asikainen I, Kaste M, Sarna S. Patients with traumatic brain injury referred to a rehabilitation and re-employment programme: social and professional outcome for 508 Finnish patients 5 or more years after injury. Brain Inj 1996 Dec;10(12):883-99.

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Neurobehavioral Rehabilitation Models for Traumatic Brain Injury

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First published: 22 October 1998
Last updated: 22 October 1998
Date Archived: 30 August 2004
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