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Requirements for Gasoline Storage and Dispensing Facilities

Gasoline dispensing operations required to meet April 1, 2009 deadline for Phase II Enhancement Vapor Recovery Equipment (Advisory No. 01-09)


Since 2001, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) has adopted a number of significant enhancements to gasoline dispensing facilities' (GDFs') vapor recovery systems.  These efforts are necessary to ensure the continued effective operation of the vapor recovery systems during the transfer and dispensing of gasoline at these facilities.

As the regional air pollution control agency responsible for permitting and enforcement activities related to GDFs, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) has prepared a number of Compliance Advisories to provide guidance to GDFs attempting to comply with these new requirements. Regulatory requirements you should be aware of include:

Enhanced Vapor Recovery (EVR)

Vapor recovery systems collect gasoline vapors that would otherwise escape into the atmosphere during fuel delivery to the underground storage tanks (Phase I) or fuel storage and vehicle fueling (Phase II).  The Enhanced Vapor Recovery (EVR) regulations became state law on April 1, 2001. These regulations provide more stringent requirements for vapor recovery systems in order to reduce gasoline vapor emissions. The EVR program is being phased-in according to the CARB EVR timeline.

 Vapor Recovery System Upgrades

  •   Phase I EVR

Phase I refers to the transfer of gasoline into fuel storage tanks. As of April 1, 2005, all GDFs were required to be equipped with Phase I vapor recovery systems on their underground tanks to meet enhanced vapor recovery (EVR) standards.  As of this date, all existing non-EVR Phase I systems were decertified for use by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and any GDF operating without the upgraded EVR system is in non-compliance with State regulations and AQMD Rule 461 requirements. For information about all current and upcoming EVR regulations, refer to CARB's EVR Implementation Update.

Phase II vapor recovery systems control emissions associated with vehicle fueling and the storage of fuel at a GDF. Phase II EVR systems are certified to several new standards, including ORVR compatibility, more stringent spillage and “dripless nozzle” requirements, In-station diagnostics and storage tank pressure limits. GDFs with underground storage tanks must upgrade to Phase II EVR by April 1, 2009.

In-station diagnostics (ISD) detects potential failures automatically, notifies the station operator, and is designed to reduce emissions by early detection and prompt repair. ISD must be installed in GDFs with an annual throughput of more than 1.8 million gallons by September 1, 2009. The deadline for GDFs with annual throughputs of 600,000- 1.8 million gallons, to install ISD is September 2010. ISD monitors the performance of the vapor recovery systems and triggers warnings for alarms to indicate potential failures. If corrective action is not taken, ISD may eventually shut down fuel dispensing.

Other Related Issues

  • Requirements for Testing and Installation Contractors

    • "No Show” Fee

AQMD will assess a fee of $320.65 to any contractor that schedules a Reverification/Performance test or a Pre-Backfill inspection and does not conduct the planned event at the specified date and time.

    • Training for Installation Contractors (Advisory 23-05, Advisory 01-07)

In order to install vapor recovery system and components, contractors must obtain certification from equipment manufacturers and the International Code Council (ICC)

    • Training for Testers

Testers must complete the testing orientation Training Class from SCAQMD, and obtain a tester number from the District. ICC certification will be required of all testers within six months after exam becomes available.

    • Clarification of Testing Hours

All performance and reverification testing can only be conducted Monday through Friday during the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.  Testing may be conducted during weekend hours subject to SCAQMD approval.  However, SCAQMD may require retesting at these stations during regular SCAQMD business hours.

For questions about these new requirements call AQMD at 1.866.770.9140.