Winter 2009
PCPFS E-Newsletter  
John Burke, Chairman
John P. Burke, Chairman
Dr. Dot Richardson, Vice Chair
Dr. Dot Richardson, Vice Chair
Council Members' News and Activities
Council member Lillian Greene-Chamberlain, Ph.D.
President's Challenge Program Updates
Presidential Active Lifestyle Award Emblem
Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar
Return To Homepage
In This Issue:
Main Page
Council Members' News and Activities
Feature Article:
A mother’s untold story: Need for better physical education for children with disabilities
Mark Your Calendar
President's Challenge Program Updates
Science Board News and Notes
What's New at HHS
Click here for a printable version of the E-Newsletter.
From the Executive Director
Melissa Johnson

Melissa Johnson, Executive Director

As 2008 comes to a close, it gives me great pleasure to reflect upon the activities of the President’s Council this past year.  As I do so, I am left with great hope for where we are heading in the field of physical activity and fitness. 

The Physical Activity Guidelines were launched on October 7th with much excitement. President Bush announced the new Guidelines at a White House event with the U.S. Olympians, and Secretary Leavitt led the official launch at HHS later in the day. We were honored to have our Assistant Secretary for Health, Acting Surgeon General, the Secretary’s Prevention Director, and Olympians Steven and Mark Lopez featured at the launch. The President’s Council and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) then hosted a Partnership Forum, which was attended by organizational representatives from around the country who shared their plans to promote and disseminate the Guidelines. Supporting organizations included the American College of Sports Medicine, International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association, the National Association of Sport and Physical Education, the National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity, the YMCA, and the American Heart Association.

“Be Active Your Way” is the tagline for the Guidelines’ consumer messages.  To date, over 1,000 organizations and individuals have signed up as Guidelines Supporters at  If you haven’t yet signed up to become a Supporter and receive the free toolkit, I hope you will do so today!  You can learn more about the Physical Activity Guidelines at the newly revamped  website in addition to  I encourage you to visit both sites often, as the PCPFS will continue to work with ODPHP and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention throughout 2009 to promote the Guidelines. 

Be sure to keep your eyes open for information on the second annual National President’s Challenge that will take place this spring. The National President’s Challenge can serve as a convenient and low cost way for states, corporations, schools, and other organizations to rally their constituents to be more active and celebrate their health. We encourage you to “Be Active Your Way” when participating in the Challenge by choosing activities you enjoy and accommodating your personal goals. Everyone is invited, and the top five states will again be honored and recognized. Stay posted!   

The “Be Active Your Way” message resonates with our feature article, which is a reprint of an email that was published in the National Center on Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD) e-newsletter.  Dr. Jim Rimmer is the director of NCPAD and was a member of the Physical Activity Guidelines federal advisory committee.  He is a tireless advocate for people with disabilities and their families, and this article is a strong reminder of why there is still much work to be done in the field of physical activity promotion, particularly for a population that is vastly underserved yet has so much to gain from being active.  It makes me think of the line: physical activity is truly for every body.

As the current Administration winds down, I want to acknowledge the excellent work of our Council members. I commend them all for their commitment to creating a more active and healthy nation.  Their talents, expertise and dedication to the Council’s mission have made a remarkable difference in the lives of Americans. I want to thank Chairman John Burke, Vice Chair Dot Richardson, all council members and PCPFS staff for their hard work and incredible service. You can read about John’s vision and ideas in the Council Member Spotlight. It has been an honor working with such an amazing and energetic team.

Finally, I want to say thank you to all of you for your own interest in improving the health of Americans across their life span. I hope we can continue to convince people that every single person can be part of the solution to the challenges, issues and conditions caused by sedentary living. I have met many of you personally at conferences and other events over the course of the past five years.  I am heartened and inspired by the many valuable programs implemented across our country.  I encourage you to continue to be advocates for physical activity and fitness whether that be through participation in a worksite wellness program, sports league or team, a physical education class, a walk to work, or a hike through a state park, national forest or wildlife refuge. There are so many great places and opportunities to be active. Just remember, Be Active Your Way!  

Best wishes in 2009!

Johnson Signature

Melissa Johnson, M.S.
Executive Director

PCPFS | 200 Independence Ave., SW | Room 738-H | Washington, D.C. 20201-0004 | 202-690-9000 | Fax: 202-690-5211 |



The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports