Mission Statement
The Office of International Affairs coordinates the FDIC's subject matter expertise to address
global financial issues of importance to the deposit insurance system and the banking public and
to provide the highest quality technical assistance, training and consulting services to foreign
deposit insurers, bank supervisors and resolution authorities. The Office serves as a central
point for all international related activities, including guidance for traveling internationally
on behalf of the FDIC.
The International Program Consists of the
Following Major Areas:
Technical Assistance Program designed to
provide on-site training, expert consultation, and examination and resolutions assistance to foreign
bank supervisory authorities, deposit insurers, foreign central banks, and other foreign government
agencies to enhance the development of foreign banking systems, bank supervisory framework,
deposit insurance system, and to promote the exchange of information between the U.S. and other
countries. Technical assistance is defined as work that is done for the benefit of a foreign
country or group of countries that requires participation by FDIC staff in that country.
Sponsoring organizations and entities are the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund,
the Department of the Treasury, the State Department, the Financial Services Volunteer Corps,
and USAID.
Contact Information
- Foreign Visitor and Secondment Program
designed for Foreign visitors seeking information about the U.S. banking system and the FDIC in
order to develop and educate their staff and to exchange information. The duration of
the foreign visits can range from a few hours to several days. A key aspect of the Program
includes pre-planning with the visitor to clarify the nature of the visit, develop an agenda
with the appropriate FDIC subject matter experts and to provide the administrative
assistance for a productive meeting. The FDIC has hosted visitors from around the world.
The Program also includes longer-term secondments. A secondment (internship) is established
with a sponsoring organization, such as a central bank or deposit insurance agency entering
into a memorandum of understanding with the FDIC. The secondee is not an employee of the
FDIC during their internship, but remains an employee of the sponsoring organization.
The secondee establishes an individual development plan which identifies key learning
objectives to be addressed during the secondment and is critical to the individual's
primary duties in their home country. The secondee provides a written report
of their experience to the FDIC upon the completion of their assignment.
Contact Information
Foreign Examiner Training Program developed
to provide appropriate, constructive assistance and technical training to those countries that
are committed to developing and maintaining a highly skilled examiner work force. The FDIC
Corporate University (CU) manages this program. The FDIC CU invites foreign central banks
and supervisory authorities to send participants to specified FDIC examiner training schools
held at the Virginia Square Training Center in Arlington, VA. Students are charged tuition and
lodging fees. Contact Information
- International Leadership Development Program
fosters improved relationships with international financial associations in providing
leadership and guidance in the global banking, deposit insurance and financial services area.
This involves providing technical assistance and administrative support, assuming leadership
positions in international financial associations and both attending and conducting international
conferences on emerging issues. The FDIC will maintain memberships and/or participate in certain
strategic associations such as the
International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) (www.iadi.org),
Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas (ASBA) (www.asbaweb.org),
the Treasury-led Financial Sector Working Groups,
and European Forum of Deposit Insurers (EFDI) (www.efdi.net).
Contact Information
International Outreach:
FDIC subject matter experts participate as
keynote speakers, panel members and facilitators for numerous international organizations'
conferences, symposia and seminars. On November 2, 2007, FDIC Vice Chairman Martin
Gruenberg was appointed by IADI to serve as Chairman of its Executive Council and President
of the Association. In addition, as an Executive Council member the FDIC provides research
to numerous policy and guidance papers and is serving as Chair of the Training and
Conference Committee and Chair of the Data Base Management Subcommittee, leveraging
FDIC resources to support the goals and objectives of IADI. As a current Board
member for ASBA, the FDIC continues to participate and lead several working groups
as well as providing instruction to ASBA-sponsored risk management training sessions.
Partnering with EFDI, the FDIC is working to address cross-border bank
resolution issues and similar deposit insurance challenges facing European
countries and the U.S.