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50th Anniversary Partners - Colorado

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Colorado Governor's Council for Physical Fitness


Contact: Stacy Fowler, MS, CPT, President



Colorado Governor's Council for Physical Fitness Logo

We’re getting Colorado moving through the Governor’s Council for Physical Fitness’s unique physical activity program called “Shape Up Across Colorado.” The program is quite simple. Shape Up participants are given an activity card with a 400 square grid map of Colorado. The 400 squares represent the 400 mile distance across the state. For every 10 to 30 minutes of physical activity the participant colors in one square. One square represents approximately 2,000 steps or one mile, which is equivalent to approximately 75 calories burned. The goal is for participants to color in five squares (10,000 steps or the equivalent in other physical activity) per day as suggested by the Surgeon General.

Here in Colorado, we think of our Shape Up program as a warm up for the President’s Challenge – two great programs encouraging people to be active.

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Colorado Walks


Contact: Gay Page, President



Colorado Walks Logo
Colorado Walks Motto

Colorado Walks is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to improving walking conditions in cities and towns across Colorado.  Founded in 2003, we:

  • Bring pedestrian issues to the forefront of state and local transportation discussions
  • Promote and develop walking programs and events to keep Coloradans motivated and jazzed about walking (e.g., the Pearl Street Mile - & America's Downtown Mile Race Series -
  • Present annual Golden Footprint Awards to individuals and organizations in Colorado for outstanding pedestrian achievements in the areas of health, fitness, and transportation
  • Establish local affiliate groups in cities and counties (e.g., Teller Walks, Weld Walks) to institutionalize sustainable walking programs and pedestrian friendly policies at the local level.

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International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA)

Contact: Drew Vankat



International Mountain Bicycling Association Logo

In 2006 IMBA will continue to promote mountain bicycling as a healthy activity for people of all ages and abilities. For the third year, we will sponsor National Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day, an event that last year inspired 100 rides nationwide and introduced a new generation of riders to our sport. In addition, many of our more than 600 affiliate clubs lead beginner group rides to promote exercise and mountain biking. IMBA will also continue our Epics program by highlighting outstanding mountain biking trails that embody the bond between physical activity and the natural environment.

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National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)


Contact: Robert Jursnick, Executive Director



National Strength and Conditioning Association Logo

As the worldwide authority on strength and conditioning, we support and disseminate research-based knowledge and its practical application to improve athletic performance and fitness. NSCA provides a bridge between the scientist in the laboratory and the practitioner in the field. By working to find practical applications for new research findings in the strength and conditioning field, the association fosters the development of strength training and conditioning as a discipline and as a profession.

As a proud science partner of the President's Council, the NSCA works diligently to promote fitness on a daily basis. From our research journals to our state-of the-art Human Performance Center, the NSCA exists to enhance performance and fitness for athletes of all ages, skill levels, and sports. Through our multiple educational opportunities such as Performance Symposia Series and National Conferences, the NSCA serves as a valuable resource for its members, the fitness industry, general public, and the media. The association provides a wide variety of resources and opportunities designed to strengthen, build, advance, and unify.

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Rocky Mountain ACSM Regional Chapter

Contact: Kurt Dallow, M.D., FACSM



State(s) included in chapter: Colorado and Wyoming

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine consists of 130 students and professionals practicing clinical medicine, research, education and an array of health and fitness disciplines. Members work in clinical settings, research laboratories, classrooms and fitness facilities to advance health through science, education and medicine.

The Rocky Mountain Chapter supports various initiatives to promote fitness and health through physical activity including educational meetings and lecture tours. A highlight in 2006 is the chapter’s Annual Meeting to be held February 24-25 in Estes Park, Colorado.

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Simple Fitness, LLC

Contact: Tamara Sherrill


Website: None

The mission of Simple Fitness, LLC is to inspire, motivate, educate and provide access to exercise and basic nutritional information to the general public, especially those in minority groups or lower socioeconomic status. My objective is to provide programs to enable families to stay fit together.

“Fitchallenge” classes are offered at Harmony School for moms and their children. The cost is $5 per class for one hour of total-body, functional training that incorporates strength, cardiovascular, flexibility and core. The children participate in unstructured games, staying active for the full hour of class, while also observing their moms choose fitness. Educational information from organizations such as ACE, NASM and NIH are frequently provided to participants for current industry findings. The emphasis is on general health and well-being. Our classes offer social support, physical challenges and education about fitness, health and wellness to carry into each person’s lifestyle.

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USA Swimming

Contact: John C. Cruzat, Jr., Diversity Specialist



USA Swimming is the National Governing Body for the sport of swimming. We administer competitive swimming in accordance with the Amateur Sports Act. We provide programs and services for our members, supporters, affiliates and the interested public. We value these members of the swimming community, and the staff and volunteers who serve them. We are committed to excellence and the improvement of our sport.

We have recognized opportunities that will allow us to significantly impact several critical outreach goals nationwide. We will pursue outcomes in three impact areas through water safety trainings, learn to swim programs, and both competitive swimming and fitness swimming tracts.

The critical outreach opportunities involve partnerships and collaborations with these great organizations initially…

  1. President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
  2. Boys and Girls Clubs of America
  4. Local Schools
  5. Falcon Youth Foundation
  6. National Parks and Recreation
  7. National Urban League
  8. National Council of LARASA
  9. Native American Sports Council
  10. Asian Leadership Forum

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