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Precautionary Principle Conference

On August 21, 2003 the South Coast AQMD hosted a Precautionary Principle conference at the Diamond Bar headquarters. The precautionary principle is an emerging concept. It advocates that when an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause-and-effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.

The conference brought together experts from environmental organizations, industry, academia and government to report on the latest scientific research findings, case studies, regulatory issues and the political atmosphere to discuss new challenges and opportunities.  The general emphasis was on air quality and other topics relevant to Southern California. 

The following are electronic versions of the presentations that were given at the conference. You must have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer to view some of these files.

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  Conference Agenda
  Speaker Biographies
Morning Session Carolyn Raffensperger, J.D., Founder and Executive Director, Science and Environmental Health Network
Powerpoint Presentation: “Precautionary Principle and the Public Trust Doctrine”

Joel Tickner, ScD, Research Professor, University of Massachusetts, Lowell - “Implementation of the Precautionary Principle in Europe & the U.S. – Lessons Learned”
Handout 1: "Prevention and Public Health Policy" guest editorial in the November/December 2002 edition of Public Health Reports

Handout 2: "A Compass for Health: Rethinking Precaution and its Role in Science and Public Health" article in International Journal of Epidemiology 2003

Handout 3: "The Precautionary Principle in Environmental Science" article in September 2001 edition of Environmental Health Perspectives
Power point Presentation: "AQMD Lessons Learned"


Michael De Alessi, Director of Natural Resources, Reason Foundation
Handout: "Precautionary Principle: A Risky Gambit"   article from the July 16, 2003 edition of the San Francisco Chronicle


Jim Solyst, Team Leader for Science Policy, American Chemistry Council
Remarks: Text of remarks presented at conference

  Martha Dina Arguello, Environmental Health Coordinator, Physicians for Social Responsibility, “Environmental Justice Case Study”
Afternoon Session

Debbie Raphael
, Toxics Reduction Program Manager, Department of the Environment, City & County of San Francisco “San Francisco’s Adoption of the Precautionary Principle Ordinance”
Powerpoint Presentation: "Regulating Precaution: San Francisco's Precautionary Principle Ordinance"


Henry Miller, MD, Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, “Precaution Without Principle”
Handout 1: "We are Too Safe for our Own Good" article in the June 21, 2001 edition of Los Angeles Times
Handout 2: "Is there a Place for DDT?" article in the August 5, 2003 edition of The New York Times
Handout 3: "The Perils of Precaution" article in the June-July 2001 edition of Policy Review


Peter Montague, PhD, Director, Environmental Research Foundation, “Environmental Justice Requires Precautionary Action”
Remarks: "Government Has a Public Trust Duty to Take Precautionary Action to Achieve Environmental Justice"


Joel Tickner, ScD, Research Professor, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
"Opportunities and Challenges for Integrating Precaution in Regulatory Policy"
Testimony from Congressional Briefing: "The Role of Precaution on Science and Precaution in Environmental Health Policy"
Power Point Presentation: "AQMD Precautionary Approach Regulations"

  Cindy Tuck, JD, General Counsel, California Council for Economic and Environmental Balance (CCEEB), “The Business Perspective on the Precautionary Principle and Precautionary Approach Policies in California”
Overhead Transparencies: The Business Perspective on the Precautionary Principle and Precautionary Approach Policies in California
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